Coffee Talk at the Home:

“What’s in the paper today? Any good news?”

“It’s all about squeezing today.”

“Squeezing? Like in hugging?”

“Nope, this squeezing is about taking money from us seniors.”

“You mean like scams?”

“I guess you could call it that. This time, the scam is coming from Washington. Those wonderful people we elected want to squeeze us right out of medicare.”

“Yea, I heard that. No money for old folks. They spent it all on the banks and GM.”

“So now what?”

“Don’t get sick. That’s all. Just don’t get sick.”

“Don’t be silly. I know I will get sick, sometime. And if I don’t have any insurance, I guess I will tell the doctors to send the bill to congress.”

“This country has no money. That’s what I heard. So let the mint print more.”

“No money? Then how come all the big parties at the white house?”

“You are absolutely right. And now I hear the president is inviting people to visit him to drink beer.”

“Yep, all our medicare dollars are going to the beer companies.”

“At least when W. was prez, he gave up drinking beer.”

“This is too depressing. Let’s go to the tanning salon and get a tan.”

“You didn’t hear? Tanning beds are worse than poison. Worse maybe than anthrax. They are sure bets for getting cancer.”

“And I just bought a membership. Doggone it. Now I will be as ghostly looking as Casper.”

“At least you won’t be profiled.”


“If you are acting suspicious, the cops won’t bother you. Even when you break into your own home.”

“Is that why Michael Jackson bleached himself?”

“He said he didn’t. He even said he never had plastic surgery.”

“Did he cut off his nose to spite his face, then?”

“No, but Sarah Palin did.”


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