What the world needs now is a little bit of levity and nonsense.

In the middle of a stressful day, who can resist a wacky lunatic who rumbles through the abyss, and emerges as a mad hatter?

Some say it is just a need for recognition.

I say, it is a need for relief.

A young employee was walking into the building, on his way to the 2nd shift.

He had his head down and looked despondent.

Before he could swipe his card, to get into the door, an ancient cougar said, “Hi.  How you doing, you hunk a hunk of burning love?”

I saw a hint of a smile on his face, as he rapidly swiped his badge and got the heck away from the deranged old bag.

A petite girl walked by.

“Hi!  Gee you look so pretty today.  Wait!  Didn’t I see you last night at the academy awards?”

She broke out in a wide smile.

Gee.  She really is a natural beauty.

It really doesn’t take much effort to acknowledge others.  You just have to be observant, to recognize those who need it.

Actually, we all need it.

But to get it, you have to give it.

And once you do, that young boy and petite girl will reach out to others.

And so bonding begins.

Breaking the ice is all it takes.

Along with a little bit of levity and nonsense.



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