Consider this:

Married woman, leaves work, needs just an hour to unwind before going home.

Decides to stop for a glass of wine.

Sits by herself.

Contemplates her naval and other crazy happenings during the day.

Gets home.

Tells her husband she is sorry she is late, but she had to work overtime.

Liar liar, pants on fire.

Why lie?

You decide:

If she told the truth, that she had stopped by a local gin mill for a drink?

Some husbands would be ok with that.

Others would not.

Put the shoe on the other foot.

Husband stops for a beer or two after work with the boys.

Totally acceptable.

No need to explain.


It’s a man thing.

Moving forward, husband has died.

Wife no longer needs to “work overtime.”

She stops, not because she needs her space, but because she can.

“The world was moving, she was right there with it, and she was.”

A woman finding her freedom is a beautiful thing.

I have found it.

There is no one, not ever, that will take that from me again.

Here’s to independence!

And to learning how to fly solo!



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