Something in the air

2018: What a tumultuous year.

An uneasy feeling prevailed as we watched our leaders taking the path of least resistance.

Was it all about money?

For some, yes.

For many?

Not so much.

The USA, always a staunch leader in human rights, turning against our allies, and becoming an isolated nation.

Immigrants no longer welcome.

A “wall” shutting down our government.

The far right destroying the very foundation of our democracy.

Who is running this country?

Fox news?

Or the spineless members of the senate, who refuse to fight for what is right?

When will the people of this country decide when enough is enough?

In a very short time, our values have been compromised, and we are the laughing stock of the world.

A new year is dawning.

We must unite.

Our future and the future of our children are at stake.

There’s something in the air.

“We’ve got to get together sooner or later, because the revolution’s here.”

We have a fight ahead in the new year.

Together, we can preserve our freedom!

Here’s to success in 2019!


Reflections on 2018


What have I learned?

Enough is enough.

Let go of the past.

Be a goof, if that is what you want to be.

Enjoy the moment.

Make time for friends.

Guilt, fear and worrying can destroy your life.


Learn something new every day.

Take chances.

Go on adventures.

Share what you have.

Make peace with yourself.

Reach out to those you meet along the way.

Get in touch with nature.

Embrace the good times and the bad times.

Give up controlling behavior.

Celebrate life.




I should have stayed home


What a day!

Up at the crack of dawn:  Doc appt and blood work.

Dodging the flooded streets.

Yes, rain again.

On my way home and guess what?

I 78 happened.

What a mess.

Caught in the middle of a huge parking lot, once known as I 78.

When I finally escaped, and in serious need of coffee, it was lunch time.

Headed out to see Kaitlyn, and much to my surprise, the place was also flooded.

Not with rain, but with people.

Lunch was slightly delayed, about 3 hours, while I indulged in my favorite beverage.

The FU party?

F it.

Time for my beauty rest.

Oh, by the way, my doctor said everything looks great.

I reminded him that I could not get much better.

Perfection is the name of my game.

After all, my name?


Chicken Butt Bond.




Missing: A roast

Just a few comments on today:

Who has my roast?

Someone, somewhere is eating my lunch.

Ok, moving along, Friday’s theme?


Wear your shirts, guys!

Deep Throat is back!

So happy to see and to hear the bumble bee talking and laughing again.

Tim and Scott?

What’s with the bird?

You know the reason you stop by is to see the chicken butt.

Your new year resolution, Tim?

Good luck with that.

Your hip is shot.

Besides, new friends?

Face it, boy.

You will never replace the crazed idiot who fell down the basement steps at 11 years old.

That damn turkey.

Why did my Dad have to pluck that bird?

I have never been right since that fall …. and since the roast episode.

Doggone it.

I have to get up early to see the doctor.

Just one comment: Will I be admitted?

Or committed?

Stay tuned.

The movie never ends….. it goes on and on and on and on.




Getting back to normal

The day after Christmas:

And all through the house, every creature was stirring, even the dead mouse.

It was time to get back to the normal world.

Donning a reindeer hat and a red cashmere sweater, the Chx Butt ate blueberries and strawberries for breakfast.

Yeah, it was ok.

But pizza was calling.

What is pizza without beer?

And friends?

And craziness?

Soon it was 420.

Time to do shots.

Not me.

Just the crazies I had encountered during the day.

Here we go again!

Duck farts.

As I quacked my way out of the establishment, I heard a familiar sound:

Can somebody please take me out back and shoot me?

Who was it?

Yes, it was me.

And then it was time for the patrons to give me a lesson on “admitted vs committed.”

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Hey Cindy!

Let’s go to NYC.




I love my Jersey friends


A day filled with memories, laughter and friends, in the magical Christmas house.

Recalling some of the highlights:

Pineapple bread pudding.

GMax and Pigs ears.

The Jersey natives:  Gina, Glen, Ray and Patti.

The mystery of the missing roast.

My pillow!


A festive celebration.

Duck farts… or was it fuck darts.

A wonderful Christmas day!

Thanks for inviting me.

It was a day that I will never forget!



Another remarkable day

Hard to believe that so many people were shopping at the grocery store this morning.

Not many were smiling, not even the cashiers.

Stressed out was the theme.


I had to stop for kitty litter and blueberries.

What a combination!

On the way home, I joined my favorite people for a few hours of non stop laughter and pizza.

Kevin and Darlene:  Both in their 80s.

He is a veteran of the Korean war.

She?  A blonde haired beauty.

Kevin says after 62 years of marriage, she is still the woman of his dreams.

We had a rip roaring time, reminiscing over a few beers.

I was wearing my designer gingerbread shirt and a santa claus hat.

I could not have had a better Christmas Eve.

My face is frozen in a permanent smile.

Seize the moment and live!

A message from the chicken butt to kids from one to 92:

Merry Christmas!






My cat gave me a present.

It was dead.

But, for me, I could not have asked for anything better.

A wonderful Sunday of football, shots, pumpkin custard pie and friends.

Who has more fun than Eagles fans?

I have decided to stay close to home this Christmas.

Time to celebrate with those who mean so much to me.

My wish for everyone?

To keep the spirit alive, as we move into the new year.

After all these years, I have learned to forgive and forget the past.

To move on, to embrace the holidays and to enjoy the splendor of the season.

May peace be your gift and your blessing all year through!



Today is all we have

Why do I get up at 5am?

To eat a piece of pumpkin custard pie, of course.

A heavenly treat, for sure.

Puff Daddy was just as goofy as I…. eating 4 times in 4 hours.

Must be the solstice that is affecting our appetites.

A mad dash to the grocery store for more cat food.

And a quick stop for a few beers and pizza, wishing all the patrons a happy Easter.

Yes, I wore the bunny ears again.

The first group I encountered?

My Spanish friends, 4 of them, drinking shots of fireball, at noon.

What a raucous welcome!

Then in walk the patrons, none of whom I recognized, but we immediately bonded with just plain nonsense.

Finally, getting ready to leave and in walks Pierre and Steph.

Pierre:  “It’s Christmas.  Want to do a Christmas Shot?”

Of course.

A Duck Fart is what it is called.

I asked for a straw.

Took me an hour to drink it.

Steph and Pierre?

Devoured theirs in a blink of an eye.

Looking back on the day?

Cannot say I have ever enjoyed myself more than today.

Come to think of it, I say that every day.

My advice to all?

Don’t wait to be happy.

Find it every day!



Letting it happen

11 years old and such a charmer.

So happy she brought in Buster Jr for lunch.

And then?

A crowded scene.

Time to go.

What a creative gift was waiting for me.


Thank you!

Wait til the world sees me in my gingerbread and my FU shirts!

What a hoot!

Let’s fill our customized glass, and toast to one another!

Dana strolls in!


So good to see you.

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.

Then Tim, Ed, Chris, Deep Throat and Pierre appear.

This is the shortest day of the year.

However, it was one of the funniest times of my life.

Time is relative.

If you live in the moment, it cannot be any better.

Hey guys!

Merry Christmas!

It’s not over until the fat guy sings.

See you in the New Year!

