Living in a fish bowl?

Key less.

I am not sure that I like this feature on my new leased car.

I feel like something is missing, even though I have to carry around that thingamajig that knows it is me.

Seems like we are all being watched.

Google keeps of track of me, wherever I go.

I sent them a message telling them to quit stalking me.

Then the Covid folks have me on alert.

They want me to check in everyday to let them know how I am feeling.

They are worried about me because I am old.

Or so they say.

If I happen to browse the internet for a new pair of jeans, I am bombarded with jeans ads for days.

Remember the saying? You can run but you can’t hide.
I thought that if I got a car in a different color, no one would find me.

I didn’t like any of them, except red.

Yes, I got another red car.

Talk about making it easy for the world to find me, when I frequent my favorite establishments.

It’s no wonder I took up day drinking.

The final straw?

Spam calls on my phone.

All day.

I block them and they change their phone numbers.

I have heard rumors about me: She must be lonely, bored and sad.

Maybe we should drop off a cat or get her to volunteer her time.

On the contrary, I am just fine, and feel that I am being watched constantly.

I don’t get bored.

I like being a happy goof.

And I am far too busy trying to hide to be a volunteer.

When someone asks me what I have planned for tomorrow, I just shake my head and remind them, that only Google, Covid , the new car and the internet know my plans.

You know what?

Nobody lives alone these days.

The world is watching.


The devil went down to Georgia

The dominoes are falling.

If you listen, you will hear the voices:

“Enough is enough.  Get me out of here.”

The divided nation continues to focus on blaming and conspiracies.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

Barbaric as it may seem, “Two men enter, one man leaves.”   

The Emperor no longer has new clothes;  he is naked, unmasked and vindictive.

Loyalty is demanded, with no reciprocity.

Damn the torpedoes.

Damn tradition, values and sacred oaths.

Winning is everything.

A distant voice softly whispers, “Lock him up.”

It becomes a deafening roar.

History repeats itself.

“Have you no sense of decency, Sir?”


yes or no?

We have been waiting for 9 months, to find a way home.

To our normal lives.

Now that the vaccine is becoming available, the word on the street is divided.

Some welcome it.

Others will absolutely refuse it.

It confuses me.

Is it a trust issue?

A conspiracy?

A hoax?

If the vaccine is not the answer to ending the madness, then what is?

We are all tired of distancing, masking and living under stringent rules.

If you could prevent a death of a family member, a stranger, a co worker, or yourself, would you do it?

I want my life back.

We all do.

If we do nothing, what will change?

How long can we live like this?

We have hope now, in this vaccine.

Do I have all the answers?

Absolutely not.

However, we cannot continue to live without our freedom, jobs, socializing and family.

Please stay safe, be healthy, and choose to live your life, once again.


Magic in the air

Having a leisurely cup of java at Dunkin this morning, checking the weather.

Snow squalls on the way, until 1pm.

Many accidents reported, near my house.

The first snow fall of the year.

Funny how so many forget how to drive in it.

Not even half an inch of snow, and the cars are piling up.

On the way home, 3 young deer prancing and playing in the fresh snow.


Winter has unofficially arrived.

Time to relax at home with hot chocolate, and a book.

Retirement has its perks.

I hope you had a beautiful day.

Be safe, stay healthy and take time to enjoy the beauty of nature.



Shhh. Don’t tell the CDC

Bravely or stupidly, depending on which you prefer, I went out today.

My prescriptions were ready, at the pharmacy.

The CDC says do not go to pharmacies.

Yeah, well, I tried to get a delivery.

No dice.

If I don’t take my meds, I get the heebie jeebies, and crave alcoholic drinks and drunk friends.

So, I went.

Next, grocery store: Why? Because I ate all the good stuff and needed necessities like cookies, Jack Daniels cake, bananas, yogurt and chicken noodle soup.

The CDC says do not go to grocery stores.

I went anyway.

If I don’t eat, I will go to restaurants and bars and get the virus.

Or so the CDC says.

Since the #@%#% virus is planning on staying until next year some time, if I did not go to the pharmacy and grocery stores, I would be stark raving mad, with a drinking problem.

Come to think of it, I am that way now, and have been ever since March 16, 2020.

When the vaccine is available, will I take it?

Heck yeah!

It’s the only way I can go to the pharmacy with the CDC’s blessing.

If I’m lucky, the bars might start giving out the vaccine.



Do not pass go.

Anyone else feel like a hermit?

Or a recluse?

The Governor’s latest advice:

Do not go to the pharmacy or to the grocery store.

Funny, he didn’t mention state owned liquor stores.

The state lost tax money in the spring.

Guessing they will stay open.

People who are over 65 years old should remain in their homes.

Oh sure. Stay at home til spring.

What about those who are 65 or older, and they are working at a pharmacy or a grocery store?

They might want to look for jobs at the liquor stores.

Or how about those with dogs?

Can you imagine keeping your dog inside until March?

I hope they can hold it that long.

Masks are required outside and inside.

If you are single, are masks really required inside your home?

Oh well, by the time I am allowed to re-emerge, I will be wilder than ever.

Just one last thought.

I wonder if the liquor store delivers?


Fake? Or reality?

Fake news from the Wolf:

It depends on your perception, if you think this news is fake.

It is opinion.


But haven’t you noticed? The network news is primarily opinions.

A lot of “What ifs” and speculation.

Today, I tuned in to a news conference on the status of Corvid in Pennsylvania.

My focus?

What about the restaurants and the so called non essential businesses?

It took about a half hour for someone to ask this question.

No change in current restrictions.

Just wear a mask, at all times.

Even when visiting friends.

When I visit my friends, we usually have a couple of drinks.

Well, sometimes more than a couple.

It’s going to be tough having a cocktail wearing a mask, or eating dinner.

The bottom line?

“If” the virus spreads to the point that our hospitals are beyond capacity, then we may see more restrictions.

And if we travel to another state, we need to be tested when we come back to Pennsy.

I took an inventory of my masks.

I have some humdingers.

Since I have lived beyond my expected expiration date, I may be able to get the vaccine that could be available sometime next year.

However, even then, masks will continue to be required.

Checking the response to the latest edicts, it appears that there are those who believe the virus is real and those that say it is not.

My opinion?

I will wear a mask.

I won’t like it, but I will wear it.

I believe the virus is real, and is a serious threat to our freedom, our future and our way of life.

Maybe I am just a good soldier, a follower, a believer in what the scientists are saying.

Too many have been sick.

Too many have died.

If wearing a mask will keep our small businesses open, and curtail the infection rate, it is well worth the small sacrifice.

Be safe, stay healthy, and choose wisely.

Our lives depend on it.


The 2020 signs

Signs of our time:

Standing in line behind a man at the grocery store, with an overloaded cart. Same items we ran out of in the spring. Yes, it is true, hoarding is alive and well. Let’s all rush to the stores and go nuts again.

Outdoor seating in many restaurants no longer available. Who would have expected the first week in November to be 70 + degrees? Maybe they should open them up again, just in time for frost bite.

Free turkeys, in many grocery stores: 20 pounders. However, remember, do not hold Thanksgiving dinners for gatherings of more than 3 or 4 people. Are 3 people gonna eat 20 lbs of turkey? You could decide to eat out doors. Wouldn’t that be a special occasion for your guests?

Masks are still controversial. We are a nation of impatient, “not gonna happen to me”, stubborn folks. Are we becoming immune to the thousands of deaths of humans? I hear this on the street: “If I get sick, I get sick.” Or “not as many people are dying.” Hmmm, not as many. We have definitely become an “all about me” nation.

9 out of 10 people don’t like their jobs, according to a pseudo scientific, random survey of people on the street. By the way, I took the impromptu survey, and thought the main reason would be that they don’t make enough money. Not so. Seems that most people do not feel appreciated nor challenged. Boredom and apathy often take over. For the one out of 10, still happy with their jobs, money is nice, but doesn’t last long as a motivator.

My next survey will be about happiness. Are you happy? If not, would can you do about it? And whose responsibility is it to make you feel happy?

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and choose to welcome happiness into your life.


An unlikely cynic

Let’s pretend the past 8 months never happened.

We can just start all over again, staying at home, eating everything in sight, and going nuts.

Looking into my crystal ball, I foresee more shut downs.

Restaurants and bars are doomed, with the exception of take out service.

No hanging out in large crowds, small crowds, or with anyone other than the people you live with.

Only those who work and are essential will be allowed to go outside, without getting fined or arrested. I wonder what happens to those arrested. Do they get a private room at the local jail? Or do they get time off for not getting into fights?

We can be thankful that sometime in the next year or two, a vaccine will be available, well, sort of. No one knows who will be first in line for the vaccines, nor if there will enough to go around.

At least for Christmas, we have a new standard stocking stuffer, for all of our distant friends: Masks. Looks like for the near and far future, masks will prevail.

If you do happen to get Covid, and become very ill, there could be a shortage of hospital beds. Guess what? Young people, come on in. You oldies? Sorry folks, Wally World is closed.

Normally, I have a positive, upbeat attitude.

However, with the continuing surge of illness and the craziness of politics, I have turned into a cynical village idiot.

One lingering question: Why would anyone, in their right mind, want to be president of the United States? You would have to be nuts to want that job.
Forget the question. I think I answered it.



It’s back!!!!!!

They say the presidential race is too close to call, so it seemed like a good idea to have a town hall. But 2 town halls? At the same time? What a year, eh?

I am half crazy from this political stuff, so I bit the bullet, and mailed in my vote today. It is one small voice, from rural Pennsylvania, but it is my vote and I am proud of it.

A streak of sensibility hit me yesterday and I behaved. I am getting bad vibes about the virus with the spikes across the globe. A grim warning: Dos and don’ts:

Do: wear the mask, maintain distancing, wash hands, and do everything outside.

What? Eat outside? Yes, the latest advice is to bundle up and eat Thanksgiving dinner outside.

Don’t: Go to bars, indoor anything, and avoid large gatherings, even at home.

Confusion exists in my pea brain. Does this mean we are looking at another lock down? And to make matters worse, the virus is now predicted to last for years. I wonder if I should order a few hundred more masks.

There is a boat buying frenzy in this country. Millions out of work, but the boats are flying off the shelves. Does hanging out in a boat make you more safe? Isn’t it just another form of confinement? My advice: If you live in Minnesota, don’t expect to float your boat in any of those 10,000 lakes. At least not for the winter.

Frost on the pumpkins tonight. A 3 dog night, for sure.

Be safe, stay healthy, and don’t forget to vote!!
