A viral Christmas

This %@#%@% virus.

Wouldn’t you know,  it started 7 days before Christmas and is continuing on its jolly path.

My little air freshener tree keeps things festive, and the coughing is my constant companion, as I remain sleepless in Pennsylvania.

At least I was home to watch the final episode of Survivor.

I did, but…. Fell asleep for 20 minutes.  Yup, missed seeing who won.

Oh well,it was a ho hum year for Survivor anyway.

Decided to get dressed one day.

Got as far as the car.

Felt awful, difficult to breathe, coughing incessantly, so it was back to bed again.

After 5 days of isolation, ventured out for a few hours, to exchange Christmas greetings, and regretted it the next day.

2 lovely invitations for the holiday, and am pushing myself to attend.

I feel like my crazy old reindeer hat. 

His antlers fell off yesterday;   coughing spell.

Merry Christmas to all!

Stay safe and healthy!!



Is today Wednesday?

Geez, I’m old.

Yes, me, the one who says:  “I hope I never get old”, while I am already ancient.

Living beyond an expiration date is a hazardous condition.

For example, last week, I had several old timers’ moments, the most frequent?  wondering what day of the week it is.

Not that it matters, on most days.

But I do have a few appointments that I put on my calendar and set an alarm, so I wake up in time.

I forgot what the alarm sounded like, heard bells chiming, and thought I must be entering the pearly gates.

I went from room to room, checking for santa or that disgusting red elf, but…..nothing..

Picked up my phone and Eureka!  The alarm!!

No more early appointments for me.

The ultimate giveaway that I am quickly deteriorating, is my ability to have a few cocktails with no lasting effects.

Two.  Yes, two glasses of wine.

The next day?  Wiped out.  The most productive thing I did was nap.  Of course, I got up to eat a few snacks, which added to my exhaustion,  before going right back into the napping mode.

You know what?  That wine thing could be a fluke.

I am giving it one more chance.    Maybe tonight.

Wait! What day is it today?  Is the bar open?

See what I mean.

