Waiting for the fat lady


What the heck is this?

Is it a bird, a plane, superman?

Or the Omicron?

It started Sunday, as I continued with the Christmas celebrations.

Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, headache and a rip roaring ear ache.

The flu?

A cold?


Or the virus?

They certainly all sound the same.

So, I decided:  I am quarantining myself for 5 days.

Did I get a test?


I know I have something, but does it really matter if I am hunkering down alone?

I will be escaping my self imposed imprisonment when this fat lady sings and the malady runs its course.

In this infectious world, I was able to call in a grocery order, pick it up without going into the store, and bringing it back to the little house of germs, where I am happily snacking, watching TV and playing games.

Pretty mild symptoms, compared to the beastly covid infection I brought back in 2019 from vacation.

On day 3 , I am well on my way, to breaking out in song to welcome in the new year.



/Freedom exists in many ways


Isn’t that what we all truly want as we live our lives?

What’s it mean?

Well, let’s see.

If you live in the US, you can vote.

I hope you do.

If you want to further your education, so what if you have to work?  You can do it.

If you find a soul mate, marriage is possible, or if you prefer, just be happy with your choice.


Not everyone worships the same God, but it’s ok.


Yeah, we need money.

However, how much is enough?


Ok.,  I want a boat, a big house, a sports car…. Or….

I want to feed my family.

And to share whatever I have with those who are in need.

Vacations, cruises, trips around the globe.

May I say this?

I love those I meet along the way.

Sharing a drink, a lunch, a joke, or a laugh: With those who happen upon my space.

 Can any trip be better than that?

And finally, but certainly not lastly:  Friends.

As our lives unfold, and take the twists and turns  that are inevitable, if you have friends, you are truly blessed.

In a nutshell, the most valuable asset you will ever find is a good friend, who shares, cares and supports you, as you progress through the short time we have here, on earth.

Just remember:

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.



I love you…but….

Yeah!  Ok, I wore a fake rabbit coat to dinner tonight.

It was 60 degrees.

So what?

I looked fabulous.

Not really.  Just old and rabbity.

A lovely night of wine, snails and beet salad.

And a few tiffs with the girl friends.

There are times when I think all is well, and then?

We show our true selves:  Here it is:  I am flawed, I have weaknesses.  I am not a perfect human being.

Who is?

Can you accept who I am?

If not, do you expect me to change?

Hey friends:  If I want to change, I will change.

If not, there is nothing anyone can do to make it happen, other than me.

How many of us find unconditional love, knowing we are far from perfect?

Don’t look for it,  nor expect it.

My friends are a bunch of crazy, irrational, wild, funny and wonderful people.

They are who they are.

I love them.

And if they screw up, or we disagree?

I try to reel them in, to listen, to find common ground, where we can communicate without hurting one another. 

And above all, to enjoy the uniqueness and special qualities that define them.

If you are searching for perfection, perhaps in others, looking for a heart of gold, it comes down to this:

You can keep looking, but the reality is that we will get old, trying to find perfection in our lives, our friends, ourselves.

It is far better to accept one another, as we are, imperfect, and yet, so wonderful.


And the winner is……

Did anyone watch the Miss Universe Contest last night?

The show was absolutely ridiculous.

Steve Harvey sounded winded as he yelled into the microphone all night.

His interviews with the girls?  Awful.

Miss India was asked to imitate an animal, rather than answer a question.

She was purring like a cat while Steve stood there like a big dummy.

He had trouble pronouncing the judges’ names, except for his daughter, of course.

And once again, he goofed up the finale.

He called Ms Paraguay, “Ms Portugal”  and said it wasn’t his fault.  Not this time.    Someone wrote the wrong name on his “cue” card.   Sure, Steve. 

I hope it is his last time hosting the contest.

Even though I laughed through the boo boos, it was one of the most mundane, unprofessional debacles I have ever watched.

A real fiasco.

Hey writers out there:  It’s time for writing a script:  a parody of a beauty contest.

And when it plays on the screen, be sure you get Steve as the host. 



I’ve had my share of heart aches and dreams that were shattered, as most of us have experienced.

So what?

No, I am not rich.

Not wealthy.

Not gorgeous.

Not even interesting.

However, I am the happiest damn goof in the history of the world.


I have never met a person I did not like.

Really?  Yes. I mean it.

I get up each day, with the best intentions of being productive, but….

If someone says:  “Hey!  Want to meet for breakfast/lunch or drinks, I am ready to roll.

Of course I have “chores”  but so what?

If I don’t make my bed, who cares?

Actually, I love a rumpled bed.

I must be a distant relative to rumple stiltskin.

Domestic chores bore me.

Why would I waste my valuable time washing dishes or vacuuming or dusting or whatever, when life is waiting for me to enter the stage, talking to everyone I meet, inviting them to join me for a drink or two?

I wonder if life tries to lead us on the wrong path.

Life says:  Listen, girl. Get organized, Do the laundry, spend your valuable time cooking and cleaning, and getting your house in order.

Well, sorry, life.

I don’t agree.

When I am at the end of my life, will I lament the fact that preferred to live in the moment? That I skipped the chores and had fun?  That I hung out with friends and forgot to fold the laundry?

Yes, I am a hot mess.

And I would not change that for anything.

I am not wealthy.

I am not beautiful.

I am not intelligent.

But I am alive.

And there is nothing more important than enjoying this life, whatever the hell it’s all about.


Hot off the wire

Woke up this morning just in time to hear all the great news:

Someone set the Fox tree on fire. 

Putin is on the warpath  (and off the ritz)

Will Don Lemon be next?

The snow storm has fizzled out.

Watch out for the “gift card” scam.  The “bank” calls you. To get your account back in order, go out and purchase a $500  gift card and read the number on the card to the caller, who stays on the line while you purchase the card.  Does anyone really believe this stuff?

Amazon had a system failure.  The warehouse workers had to kick back and take a break since they couldn’t send out packages.  What a shame.   (wink wink)

Another strain of Covid is circling the globe.  What a surprise.

The US is not sending any diplomats to China for the winter Olympics. I bet that will stop the human rights abuse, eh?

The shortage of supplies is getting ridiculous.  Christmas trees, cream cheese, wine and liquor, and the worst:   Santa Clauses. Sorry kids, no drunk Santas this year.

And that, my friends, is the news hot line for the day.

Until tomorrow,

