
Imagine:  You have a birthday.  You are old.  Where did the time go?  Who are you?

I gave myself a July birthday gift.

A time out!

31 days, devoted to me, reflecting on the past, present and future.

Career, marriage, and music defined my past.

Retirement, enjoyment and socializing consume my current days.

The future?  That is highly dependent on my health, my living (and death) arrangements, and of course, fate.

31 days to realize that the past is just that.  I am what I chose in life, but it is not too late to change my direction.

The present is all there is.

Time is an illusion, no beginning, and no end, marching on into infinity.

The future is not promised.

If one lives yearning for the future, you will not find the meaning of life.

It is here, now, in everyday moments.

It lives in the interactions we have with others, with nature, and within ourselves.

After my 31 day hiatus, am I any smarter?

Have I uncovered the meaning of life?

No.  I do not have the capacity to unveil the mysteries of life.

The bottom line is simply that I am happy.

I have learned to live alone, and to have “me” time.

The changing seasons are magical.

I love living in Pennsylvania where each season is similar to one’s life, transitioning from birth to death, in each year.

My overall goal remains the same:  I choose to be happy, to let go of the things I cannot control and to fully experience each day, by living in the moment.

31 days of inner reflection, to realize how wonderful life is.



The Interview

The interview:

“What do you do all day?”


“You live alone.  Don’t you get lonely?”

“I live with myself, and I am a lot to handle.”

“You’re getting kind of old, do you still drive?”

“I do, but sometimes I forget where I’ve parked and get in the wrong car.”

“Do any community service?”

“Yes, I am a key contributor in keeping the local bars open.”

“Are you a Democrat or a Republican?

“I am an American.”

“How about cooking?  Do you do any cooking?”

“I am constantly cooking up trouble.”

“Are you an introvert or an extrovert?”

“Neither.  I am a loose cannon.”

“Are you mentally stable?”

“Not since I fell face first on the basement floor, watching my Dad pluck at turkey.  I think I was 12 years old.  Haven’t been right since.”

“Why did you quit your job?”

“Well, I didn’t get the glue sniffing job, in bindery. They said I was over qualified.”

“Is there anything that would make your life happier?”

“Yeah.  Ending this interview.”

Friends:  Enjoy the July 4th holiday!  Be safe and have fun!

