The 2020 signs

Signs of our time:

Standing in line behind a man at the grocery store, with an overloaded cart. Same items we ran out of in the spring. Yes, it is true, hoarding is alive and well. Let’s all rush to the stores and go nuts again.

Outdoor seating in many restaurants no longer available. Who would have expected the first week in November to be 70 + degrees? Maybe they should open them up again, just in time for frost bite.

Free turkeys, in many grocery stores: 20 pounders. However, remember, do not hold Thanksgiving dinners for gatherings of more than 3 or 4 people. Are 3 people gonna eat 20 lbs of turkey? You could decide to eat out doors. Wouldn’t that be a special occasion for your guests?

Masks are still controversial. We are a nation of impatient, “not gonna happen to me”, stubborn folks. Are we becoming immune to the thousands of deaths of humans? I hear this on the street: “If I get sick, I get sick.” Or “not as many people are dying.” Hmmm, not as many. We have definitely become an “all about me” nation.

9 out of 10 people don’t like their jobs, according to a pseudo scientific, random survey of people on the street. By the way, I took the impromptu survey, and thought the main reason would be that they don’t make enough money. Not so. Seems that most people do not feel appreciated nor challenged. Boredom and apathy often take over. For the one out of 10, still happy with their jobs, money is nice, but doesn’t last long as a motivator.

My next survey will be about happiness. Are you happy? If not, would can you do about it? And whose responsibility is it to make you feel happy?

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and choose to welcome happiness into your life.


It’s up to us.

There are times when all the world’s asleep and passions run so deep, for such a simple man.

Today was a simple day, with temperatures and leaves falling, reminding us that we will soon be entering the 4th and final season of the year.

Soon to come: the election.

Ok, so I watched the debate. Did you?

It was not exciting.

It did not change my mind nor my opinion of either candidate.

The early mail in voting forced me to decide, prior to the 2nd debate.

Hey guys! You missed the opportunity to change my mind, and now the die is cast.

So be it.

It will be a welcome relief, whatever the outcome, to put aside politics, allowing us to focus on trying to maintain our sanity in this world of Covidity.

Time to bring on the heartache, once again.

How long this time?

Let’s ask Ace, the group, who sang, “How long has this been going on?”

Until we get it right.

Hey, my fellow Americans: What the hell? Let’s do it. Time to get our lives back.

It’s up to us, you and me.

We have met the enemy and it is us.

I want to live. I want to give.

Let’s be miners for a heart of gold.

Be safe, stay healthy, and stay focused and determined to whoop the virus’ ass.


Memorial Day

There are those who believe that the 70’s had the best music. Close, but for me, it was the 80’s. Best music ever!

On this day, May 25, 2020, Memorial day, we are now on the 70th day of social distancing, watching closely, observing those who have had it with the virus and believe it is in remission.

On the flip side, the US is now approaching a new milestone: 100,000 deaths and climbing. Are we throwing caution to the wind? Will we see a resurgence of the virus? Are we willing to throw the dice, to return to our jobs, to feed our families and let the chips fall where they may?

Most of us can remember the typical Memorial Day Holiday. A day off from work to remember and to honor those who died for our freedom. That will never change, no matter what path the virus takes. But this year, we are also honoring those on the front line, who fought a much different war, one that is even deadlier that the wars in our history; A solemn day, filled with apprehension, grief and fear.

However, as always, Americans are rising to the challenge, working together, to rebuild our country, and to help those in need. I believe it is up to all of us, individually, to confront the chaos, with ingenuity, courage and faith in our future.

Last word: A Quote from Mahatma Gandhi:
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


Puff the magic wagon

Thanks to all of you who are waiting with baited breath for me to comment on the 46th day of infamy.

Remember the Adirondack 46ers? No, ok, me either, but they were hikers, who climbed all forty-six of the high peaks of the Adirondack Mountains in 1918, establishing a tradition that carries on each year. Well, not this year. They are closed, along with a few other things.

The significance, of course, is that we are climbing our own mountains these days, choosing our footing carefully, as we search for a safe path back to civilization and sanity.

On the last day of April, 2020, the rain and wind forced me to stay inside. Today, May 1st , we are basking in the sunlight, enjoying a dose of much needed vitamin D, and living with renewed hope and resolve. Storms don’t last forever.

Actually, nothing lasts forever, with the exception of that magic dragon, Keith Richards.

My retirement dream was to ride around in my truck: Puff the magic wagon, to provide a public service, and to reinforce my belief in Bob Dylan’s philosophy. Remember his wise words about not feeling so all alone, in Rainy Day Women,, singing about his lady friend who bitches about everything? Even when the sun is shining? He finally gives up and sends his message: #%#@% It. Everybody must get stoned.

Did know Bob Dylan was born in my home town in Minnesota? No wonder he is a lunatic.

Time to go worship the sun!



hiding our skeletons

Remember the good old days? You know, those days in February and March 2020? How about the good old days of 45 records? The first 45 rpm disc in the US was ‘Texarkana Baby’ by country & western singer Eddy Arnold. It was made of green vinyl. Must have been a humdinger.

Day 45: we are still hiding in the closet, protecting our skeletons. Everyone has a skeleton or two hanging around. I remember a few of mine: Escaping from the convent to accept a music scholarship, much to the chagrin of my aunties. And then there was the marriage number 1, followed by marriage number 2. Those skeletons are dust in the wind, or more appropriately, ashes in the urns.

It seems that skeletons follow me wherever I go. I need to remember to lock those closets. Even in my so called fabulous career, those ghostly bones would pop out every so often, confirming the belief that I was a “bonified” rebellious idiot. However, I managed to stay employed for over 45 years, loving every minute, until it was time to shed the working mask only to end up wearing a virus mask.

As we long for a return to our old lives, change has entered the scene and is giving us an ultimatum. We can let Rome burn, or we can invent a new order of living. We creatures of habit are not likely to willingly accept change. Why fix it, if it ain’t broke? Well, guess what? It is broke. And it is killing us. The virus thrives, like a vampire, or a thief in the night, looking for its next victim.

America, the beautiful, in turmoil. I believe we, the people, have the spirit, the ingenuity, the intelligence and the resolve to improve our country, our world, and the quality of our lives. It is up to you and me. Don’t give up.


Open the door and out comes a cheese steak

The animals are running wild in the streets, all over the globe. They know the real virus is lurking behind closed doors, in human cages. It’s been 34 days now. Not that I’m counting. (I lie)

Yesterday started out like any other exciting day: coffee and a muffin for breakfast. Now what? The options are not motivating me. So, I choose to amuse myself with games and relaxation. Throw in a little meditation and soul searching and viola! Governor Cuomo is live again, with his daily update. I listen to every word and find myself respecting him more every day, for his intelligence, his compassion and his willingness to share the truth, in words that even I can understand.

The craving started next. Cheese Steak. Off I go, into the wild blue yonder, in search of the best cheese steak this side of Philadelphia. And I found it, at a restaurant in a small town. Instructions: Call up, order, go to our patio, ring the bell, tell us your name, and the world’s best cheese steak will be waiting. Heavenly.

Next on the schedule? Reaching out to a friend, via the phone. The NY Banana and I laughed so hard throughout the call, that my spirits were elevated to a new high. Note: I was also severely parched after the cheese steak, so that could possibly have had a slight impact on my condition.

Suddenly I was giddy, crazy and back to my old self. I love being a goof. That is the one thing that I miss the most: acting goofy with my friends.

Excitement is building today, as I anticipate the secret meeting of the girls gone wild. Whenever we meet, it feels good, even if it is for a short time, just to act silly, tell stories and laugh.

On this Sunday, April 19, the eve of my self appointed birthday, I wish you love!!!


Keep hope alive

3 Sheets to the wind. Day 33 of the toxic environment that has encouraged my drinking habit; 3 sheets for 33 days.

April 18, 2020. My my my! Winter has returned. Not that we are allowed to go outside and experience it. Unless you happen to be on the beach in Florida where the people are flocking together, in spite of the corvid 19. I guess they haven’t heard that the virus is everywhere, waiting to wipe out anything in its path. I wonder if the beach crowd is wearing masks.

Here in the Northeast, I find that most people are staying put, and toughing it out. Of course it is too cold to go out in swim suits or to skinny dip in the Hudson River, but the majority of folks just want this to pass and want to do what is best for their friends, family and the country.

A terrifying story today: A forensic Doctor, exhuming a body for an autopsy, found the virus active in the body. Yikes! I never believed in zombies, until now.

Today, like every other day so far this month, is another opportunity to reflect on our lives, and to find the courage and strength to help those who need it the most. Heroes are emerging everywhere, sacrificing their freedom and lives, responding to the universal cry for help.

“I do not ask a store of wealth, nor special gift of power;
I hope always for strength and health to brave each troubled hour.”

Edgar A Guest

In spite of our difficulties today, be patient, do not lose hope and one day we will be stronger, smarter and happier.


Kaitlyn, you light up my life!

Put me in coach, I’m ready to play today. If you are wondering if I have gone crazy, it is the 25th day of the global hibernation and in baseball, the number 25 is typically reserved for the best slugger on the team.

I can slug them down with the best of them: or, if you prefer, the worst of them.

I believe I slugged down a few too many yesterday, so after my morning hot chocolate and muffin, I will be headed for a nap. So what if it is only 930am. I need all the beauty rest I can get.

G’night, Mate.
4 hours later……

Well, it is afternoon and here I am again, living the dream, in the twilight zone.

Being of not so sound reasoning, I am considering getting dressed, and taking a ride to Minnesota, just for the hell of it. But the wind is fierce and there is possible snow in the forecast, and I don’t like driving.

Therefore it is time to party! I see that my little buddy Kait is working and I usually stop by on Fridays for lunch. Yeah, it’s not open. So what? I love hanging out in the parking lot, waiting for take out brought out by one of the cutest little goofs in the world; reminiscent of the A&W drive ins with those frosty mugs.

Obviously, my main challenge today is fighting the lethargy that is clouding my mind and thoughts. At this exact moment, Kait sent me a message: She misses our Fridays, too. That does it. I am getting dressed and am heading on down to see her.

Everyone should have a Kait in their lives!!


Sweet 16

What day/date/year is it anyway?

I know it is the 16th day of the global disease.

Other than that, I am zonked out about normal stuff.

So, at least another month of this, eh?

Seems that Germany and Iceland are doing ok. Too bad I don’t have my passport. But then, again, are there any planes in the air?

When it is over, what will I have learned, assuming I am still alive? If dead, I will come back to haunt you.

Lesson 1: Do not take life for granted.

2. Do whatever it is that makes you happy.

3. Continue the viral tradition of rum chata with coffee for breakfast.

4. Do away with guilt and worrying. It can be deadly.

5. Socialize until the cows come home.

6. Find your passion and go for it.

7. Spread love wherever you go.

8. Take care of your health, holistically.

9. Give freely.

10. Live in the moment. It is all we have.


take the long way home

Today’s story: Heartburn.

All day, after eating eggs, grits, and bacon.

A secret meeting in the afternoon, over a couple of drinks: Club Soda and lime.

Took a journey to a place I had never been before, and enjoyed meeting the locals.

I may return tomorrow, just because it is my kind of place.

It was time to change my daily routine, to get out of town, and to experience the unknown.

It was an adventure: an exhilarating fun time, even with the heartburn.

I highly recommend it.

No drama, just reaching out to people to make new friends.

A magical day, for sure.
