A 50/50 split

Sounding like a broken record?

I think my needle is stuck.

Here I go again, asking the same question, to those I meet along the way.

What’s your feeling on Covid 19?

Half take it seriously.

The other half think it is over rated, that we need to resume normal living and get on with our lives.

Do I wear a mask?

Yes, when I have to.

Do I like wearing a mask?

Not really. I am not fond of masks, especially if I am wearing it for a long time.

Will I take the vaccine, when one is available?


Even if there is a chip in it that follows your every move?



I don’t believe that will be the case. Besides, Google already knows where I am every day. I had to write a note to Google to quit stalking me. Did it help? Heck no.

The fall is coming, with its partner, the flu, closely followed by the virus.

Will things get worse? Or better?

You know what?

I have enough issues without thinking about the fall.

For now, I am continuing to go on with my modified way of living, asking those I meet what they think about the virus.

When the fall arrives, I will be like Scarlett O’Hara and think about that tomorrow., if I still give a damn.
