Freaked out

Out for a stroll.

Ok, out to have lunch.

Time to beat the rainy day blues.

Such a dreary day.

The fabulous Pam and Precious greeted me, as I chowed down on a tuna sandwich and a beer.

What the heck is going on outside?

A colossal traffic jam.

The boys in the hood stopped by to chat, and I knew that I had stayed a little bit too long.

Damn daylight savings.

How am I going to drive in the rain, in the dark, with a zillion head lights blinding me?

I headed east, instead of west.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.


Guess who got lost?

The road seemed somewhat familiar.

Oh no!

Where am I?

Blind as a bat, I am on the road to K town.

The drive home is usually about 10 minutes.

Not tonight.

I live in warehouse city, and the trucks were on the back roads, since the interstate was closed, in both directions.

What a nightmare.

It is a miracle that I made it home.

An hour later.

Remember that song: Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

I never did like that song.

Remind me never to go out past 4pm.

I wish I knew how to put on my fog headlights.

Oh well, I have only had this car for 3 years.

With my learning curve, I would need at least another year or two before I can figure out these new fangled features.

However, with my unbelievable courage and fortitude, I made it through the rain.

Aren’t you proud of me?



Guaranteed to make you happy: Call me.

Pretty decent list for number 52:
There are 52:
Weeks in a year
Cards in a deck
White keys on a piano
Days we have been sheltered in place

As soon as I awakened, I thought about 3 things: coffee, raisin bread and pumpkin bread. I already ate the chocolate chip cookies in the middle of the night. Damn! Those farmers’ markets are fabulous.

Snow on the way. Yes, along with the killer wasps that bite the heads off of the honey bees, and of course, that cursed virus, that is now disguising itself, as it mutates into another form. I can still remember the good old days, way back before March 16, 2020. I am now a believer in the saying: Enjoy today, for tomorrow is not promised. Here today, gone tomorrow. And In heaven there is no beer, that’s why we drink it here.

As soon as I get dressed, I am putting on my mask and heading out for a slushie and brews. It’s interesting that the beer distributors can sell fortified slushies, in the commonwealth state of Pennsylvania. I guess they are considered essential businesses. I’ll drink to that.

Do you ever forget what day it is? I think today is either Wednesday or Thursday and if not, does it really matter? When one is living the dream, all days are the same: Fabulous! I don’t believe in having a bad day. If you are experiencing that, call me and we will sing the old Peggy Lee song: “If that’s all there is my friend, then let’s keep dancing. Break out the booze and have a ball.” Guaranteed to make you percolate. If not, give me your address and I will stop by and beat the #@%#@%@ out of you until you straighten up and fly right.

Time for this masked marauder to find my broom and fly across the moon, over to route 100. I have a date with a cup of heaven with my name on it, sealed to protect its contents, as I fly wildly back to old 22, where Ms Lisa awaits.

Peace out!

Be safe!


Dead duck comes back to life

This morning, on the 20th day of the wreck of the world, I read this:

The number 20 is a universal number that encompasses all the energies of the planets and the cosmos. Fundamentally, it is a period of completion in which you must acquire patience and wait.

How fitting… acquire patience and wait.

I thought I was a dead duck yesterday. Very anxious and paranoid. On advice from a lovely friend, I inhaled the antidote and came out quacking.

Another friend told me to go out in the country for a ride. Hey! I am out in the country. And I have a habit of getting lost when I drive. Add these ingredients to an already shaky recipe and I could have been headed for disaster.

To add insult to injury, the morning edict is: DO NOT GO OUT. Stay home.

Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not go to the grocery store, the pharmacy or anywhere, for the next 2 weeks. But if you do go out, wear a mask. Huh?

Hio SIlver!

My Pop used to tell me that there is no heaven nor hell, in the hereafter’; that we are living in hell now. He should know. His father, brothers and sisters died in the epidemic of 1918. He and Grammy survived. History, once again, repeating itself.

For the next 2 weeks, I plan to follow instructions, for once in my life. I am staying home, not leaving for anything…. except if I run out of beer. And then, I will wear a mask I found in the closet. It is a Bill Clinton mask. Let’s face it, if the virus doesn’t kill me, someone who is not fond of Bill will,

Peace and patience!!


17 Hail Marys

Remembering confession as a kid: ” Your penance: 17 hail marys, and try to behave this coming week.”

Yup, it is day 17 of the end of the world as we once knew it.

On a positive note, we are on the 17th day of a new way of life; one that is a challenge for those of us who are flying squirrels who feed off the nuts of society.

I am in a constant state of flux: Don’t go out. Do your part. Stay home, and then? Get the heck outside. Discover the world. Drive to a new destination.

Yesterday, the driving to a new destination didn’t work out so well. Shhhhhh. Quiet: Between us kids, I got lost again. But on a positive note, I did not get out of the car. So technically, I got out of the house, got lost, and came home so damn exhausted that I rested my eyes watching David Muir on the ABC News. OK, so I kept one eye open, for my favorite eye candy. He lights up my life.

Saw Meg and Kait again when I picked up supper. I love those 2 girls. They also light up my life, every time I see them.

Actually, I had a wonderful day yesterday, driving around, looking at the flowering trees and green grass. Ah ! Spring! My favorite season. Reminds me of one of my favorite songs: Morning has Broken. “Praise with elation, praise every morning; God’s recreation of the new day.”

So, for those of us who thrive on positivity, I hope you will find joy this spring, embracing life and nature, as it blossoms.

As long as we are still alive on this planet, take in the wonders of this temporary existence, to find peace, love and purpose.

Above all, take care of yourself, so that you and others may be healthy.


Booze, gas and the nesting box

Day 5 in isolation: March 21, 2020: My how time flies when you’re having fun.

After a lovely morning, it was time to get gassed, so I stopped at the gas station. Bet you thought I was going to say something else.

Next stop, booze wagon. Chocolate vodka. Oh my my Oh hell yes, coffee tastes better in my party dress.

It was fun seeing the friends that had stopped, for replenishments. If you build a booze wagon, they will come.

Then? A trip that almost turned out to be a trip to nowhere. Yes, I got lost again. After several attempts, the Nesting Box was found, out in the country, down a country lane, with country bumpkins hanging around. Actually, it is a very nice place: Fresh eggs, milk, cheeses, bread: A veritable haven for the French Toast crowd.

Time to relax after a hectic day of dinking around: A beer at Sissy’s.

By the way, this is an urgent notice to my fellow breakfast clubbers: Today’s breakfast at the Cracker Barrel has been cancelled. If it had been a sunny, warm day, we could have gathered at the local park, to drink coffee laced with one’s favorite spirit. Maybe we will meet in April. Not sure of which year however.

I think today is Saturday. Not that it matters. I am on a mission today, to get my taxes mailed, if I can find the post office, without getting lost.

Not sure what else is on my dance card, but regardless, I intend to dance my way through the abyss.



Survival: Day 4

The 4th day: March 20? I can’t keep track of the dates anymore. The only one that really matters is 4/20, which happens to be my surrogate birthday.

Woke up this morning, in a fog. Yes, it is foggy outside, but I am talking about my head. I indulged last night, in my favorite drink, served in flamingo glasses at the speak easy.

As the 5 of us had snacks and drinks, a wild animal sneaked in the room. He is a boarder at the SE (speak easy) and was slinking his way to his spacious living quarters. Also present was a gray feline with green eyes that glow in the dark. And he bites.

I have a confession to make: I got lost again. And that is all I am going to say about that.

Today, at 2pm, I will have to go out for an emergency run. The booze truck will be selling liquor. I keep singing Tom Petty’s words: ” There’s something good waitin’ down this road: I’m pickin’ up whatever’s mine. “

Have I mentioned lately? I’m running down a dream.

It appears that isolation is the wave of the near and distant future. It’s a damn good thing I enjoy my own company, or I would have to take myself out back and shoot me.

Time for powdered sugar angel wings. I love a nourishing breakfast.

Until tomorrow,


Where the hell is Lynnville?

It’s confession time.

I got lost again.

After a leisurely breakfast Sunday morning, I decided to find the Lynnville Hotel/Bar.

It’s frequented by some of my drinking buddies, and I wanted to check it out.

Off I go into the wild blue yonder.

Sure were a lot of farms and cows along the way.

Lots of signs too.

Geez. I am still driving and it’s been an hour.

The @#%#@%@#% place is either missing or non-existent.

I found a hotel! At last! Zimmerman’s.

Wrong hotel.

Just then, a text on my phone.

Where are you? Are you joining us or what?

Well, that ended my journey.

I hightailed it back to familiar territory to have a few beverages.

Being the lunatic of the day, I told my buddies about my futile journey.

No one believed me.

What the hell? It’s right up the road.

Oh yeah?

Now I am the laughing stock of the neighborhood, which forced me into drinking a few more beverages.

You know what?

I am done with that @#%#@%@% hotel.

Very bad vibes.
