Rainy days and Tuesdays always get me down…..


Early this morning.

Had to walk down the driveway to put the trash out for collection.

No problem.

I got a new umbrella.

From my health care network.

Uhm…. this little thing on the handle…..

Does that open the umbrella?

It doesn’t seem to work.

I am getting wet.

I am getting very wet.

I am soaked.

Finally, the damn thing opened up and the rain poured off my head, hair, face and clothing, until I could feel it in my shoes.

Such a lovely start to the work day.

As I sat at my desk, with wet jeans, shoes and hair, I was surprised that it was unusually quiet.

Oh yeah?

At 9 o’clock, I think the world came alive.

Finally, after eating all that turkey and dressing and pies, customers got up and roared.

And they continued throughout the day.

Thankfully, the rain stopped at the end of the work day.

However, the fog crept in, at first lightly, and then by the time I was almost home, I was driving blind.

No wonder I had to stop for a glass of wine to settle my nerves.

Make it 2.

Home now.

The cats greeted me at the basement door.

“Where the heck have you been?  We are hungry!”

“Look, little princess and big ass whopper, I had a rough day, so knock off the ‘Oh Wows’ and eat your dinner.”

A rainy Tuesday in November.

A day to remember.

Aren’t they all?


Creeping back to the office….. after vacation.

Had to set an alarm.


What the hell?

Packed a lunch, if that is what you can call it.

Yogurt for breakfast.

Cucumber salad for lunch, with Norwegian lefse.

Yes, it was the lefse that absolutely abolished any intention I might have had of eating healthy.

At 2pm, I was yawning.

Oooooops.  Time for my afternoon snooze.


Not gonna happen.

Remember you idiot:  You are working, not living in debauchery, as you have, for the past 13 days.

When the day was done, I remembered something I saw on Facebook.

A glass of wine is equal to an hour at the gym.


Time to go back to wine

If one glass = one hour, then 2 glasses = two hours,  and a bottle?  Well, hello!

Home now.

Drinking wine, while the cats act like I have been away for a year or two.

Oh, life goes on.

It gets darker every day, as the sun settles in to its winter’s nap.

The deer are running wild, on the first day of rifle hunting.

The Chicken Butt is back to work and acting like a nincompoop.

And tomorrow?

Who knows?

I hope to connect with you, once again, if we are privileged to experience another day on this planet.

Let’s make the most of it.

Why not?

It is all we have.





Reinventing the meaning of Christmas

Can you believe it?

The Holidays are here!

What would happen if you decided not…..

to decorate.

to buy presents.

to send cards.

to invite everyone for Christmas dinner?

to scramble around for the rest of the year?

I get it.

Christmas is a special time, for many of us.

Trees and decorations and presents.

Friends and families and feasts.

Religious services, mangers and Christmas Carols.

Santa is coming.

Be sure to put out the cookies and milk.

Go for it.

It’s the American way.

Yes, I still buy a few gifts.

However, my holiday is not about me, anymore.

It’s about the miracle that happens when we reach out to others.

Hey kids!

Let’s get together, sing Carols, on a horse drawn wagon, with hot cocoa waiting at the end of the trail.

And of course, a special gift for each and every one of us.

Thanks Santa!

Sometimes, the best gift of all is being together, sharing the magic of the season, and caring for one another.






Can it get any better?

Yes, I wonder, still I wonder, who’ll stop the rain?

Just kidding, folks.

I had a lovely Saturday.

Shopping for the felines, gassing up for the week, and buying power ball tickets, before stopping to see the most gorgeous b. tender of the century, Kelly.

Let me just say this about that.

I have decided to give up carbs for the next several months.

Ok, for at least a few days.

Cucumbers, raspberries, oatmeal and yogurt:  My menu for the week.


If you are hooked on bread, like I am, it is not a fun thing.

So, friends, I am warning you in advance.

Do not approach, nor poke the bear, nor the wolf.

For today, I ate and drank to my heart’s content.

Oink oink.

This is a very bad time to limit the groceries.

The holidays, with all the goodies  that seem to come out of no where.

I call it the binging season:  Gifts, food, drinks, decorations, lights.

It is,  after all, the darkest time of the year.

In Alaska, they won’t see day light for another month.

But at that time, they will see Russia, from Sarah’s back yard.

How now brown cow.

Time to feed the cats, change into jammies and enjoy this Saturday night, November 26, 2016.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!





Dream on…..

A unique Thanksgiving.

My favorite holiday, by the way.

Family, dinner, cooking, turkey, football, and all that jazz.

Not this year.

Hello NYC.

Sharing the festivities with 3 million others.

What a hoot.

It never felt crowded to me.

It just seemed that everyone was a friend.

The security was unbelievable.

There is nothing better than the NYC police….. and dogs.

I felt like I was a little kid again, just taking in the sights and sounds of a wonderful display in the big apple.

An event to be cherished forever.

A dream come true.

If you can dream it… you can do it, with a  little help, of course, from a friend who has the same wild streak in her soul.

Until next year, and the next adventure!

Happy Thanksgiving!




Never allow a Chicken Butt to go on vacation for more than a few days.

Have you ever had a vacation, with plans to do so many things around the house, and went wild instead?

Yes, I must be a crazed lunatic.

I just can’t help it.

I hope no one asks what I did on vacation.

If they do, I will have to say that I really am not at liberty to discuss it.

Did I mention?

I am now blonde.

Yes, I went from grey to blonde.

I was a gorgeous grey fox and now I am a splitting image of an aging floosie.

Or is it a bimbo?

Well, whatever.

I am thinking about getting a tat.

Why not?

WMD on my hind end.

Eat your heart out, George Bush.

Weapons of mass destruction.

I really need to get some sleep before invading NYC.

It’s been too long since I have been kicked off the bus, for acting like a goof.

I wanted to wear my NYC hat, that I got at the bus depot boutique, but I spilled marinara sauce on it and had to throw it out.

If you don’t hear from me for a day or two, I will be indisposed, most likely at an Irish Pub, acting like an idiot.

My only concern: Parades make my cry.

Maybe I will lay off the sauce, and be thankful for finally seeing the Macy’s Parade.

Ain’t life grand?



3 dog night? No! a 2 cat and a chicken butt night.

The three of us hunkered down, in this old house, hearing and feeling the howling winds.

Creaking and cracking and whistling.

I threw on a few extra blankets and hoped that  Half Pint and P Daddy would feel comfortable enough to sleep with the Chx. B.

Up and down all night.

The little one, Puff Daddy, would sneak up and lay on my legs, waiting for that moment when I had to turn over, and then she jumped off.

At 5am, all 3 of us were tired of the routine.

Let’s get up.

Let’s eat.

Let’s go outside to bask in the sunlight.


The winds never did subside.

I know those two felines miss their Daddy.

I am a poor substitute .

However, we did survive, as the November winds put on their screaming act.

I left, at noon.

I had to.

We were tired of one another.

We needed a break.

Now we are together again, 4pm, on a Monday evening.

The 2 of them?


They seem to be content.

I hope so.

My life seems to revolve around Jim’s pets.

Who would have thought?

Well, they are now mine.


I am theirs.

And they own me.

Hey, little ones!

I brought you some treats!

Let’s get comfy.

The winds are subsiding.

There is room enough for all of us….

Sweet dreams.

I love you!





Here we go again





Cat in heat.

Power off.

Power back on.

Up at 5am.

Feeding time.

Back in bed til 10am.

Decided to head on down to the pub to watch some football.

What the hell?

Where is everyone?

Vitamin C.

Cowboys beat the ravens.

Burger, please, and one last orange drink.

Time to head home.

Snowing again.

Cant’ wait to get into warm pjs.

Comfort zone.

Must have been a bear in a previous life.

Time to hibernate.

Goodnight all!

Wake me when it is spring.







Hey~! You Turkey!

If I had to do it over again, would I change anything?

Is it possible to re-evaluate  the path I chose?  Can I go back?

If I am not happy, is it because life dealt me a bad hand?

Was it beyond my control?

Or did I readily accept my fate, without question?

Was it really fate?

Or did I just give up and let it happen?

When is it too late to make changes to who I am, what I am and what I want to accomplish?

Quote the raven:  Nevermore.

Never more?  For me, that means it is never more opportune.

Life is how you interpret it.

For me?

Hey friends.

Winter arrives at 7pm tonight.

Tranquility is soon to be interrupted.

The dark side of the moon is about to have its day.

Until we emerge, sometime next week,

May all of us keep our pets safe and warm,

And put on an extra quilt, as we hunker down,

As we travel this week,

Over the river and through the woods,

Hey friends!

Have fun.

I am not cooking.

I don’t really like turkey.

I prefer to hang out with friends and have a burger, fries and a few beers.

Besides, my Grandma died about 30 years ago.

My new mantra:


Do whatever it is you enjoy.

Plan an escape for the holiday.

See you at the parade in NYC.

Why not?

It’s not what you eat.

It’s what you enjoy.




A rare day in November

Not so productive.

Not much energy.

Not a great day to tackle the mundane.

60 degrees, in November.

Just had to indulge in the unusual warmth.

A rare treat.

A gift.

A magnificent day, full of sunshine and blue skies.

At dusk, decided to go out for dinner.

Home early.

Feeling relaxed, quiet and content… and sleepy.

Hey, Puff, I am on my way to bed.

Hope you join me.

Your brother is outside , patrolling the yard.

I am not waiting up.

Not tonight.

Until tomorrow,
