Rumchata and cherries, oh my!

Sometimes when you have nothing special planned, special things happen.

On one of the coldest New Year’s Eve days in recent history, it was time to head out for a margarita pizza: Tomatoes, Basil, Cheese, Oil and Garlic.

It was heavenly.

No one except the old Chicken Butt in the place, waiting for the Eagles game at 1pm.

Then Carl walks in and since we were the only 2 idiots in the joint, we started chatting, drinking beer and watching the game.

“Hey Carl, let’s do shots.”

Chocolate covered cherries, rum chatas…. whatever !

Forget the cold.

All of a sudden, it was getting mighty toasty.

“Can someone turn on the AC please?”

For a few hours, the frigid weather melted away, as we laughed and carried on about nothing in particular.

A perfect way to spend a frosty afternoon.

Home now, and getting ready to bundle up in my new fabulous robe.

Will I see the ball drop?

Not a chance.

Besides, I have seen plenty of balls dropping in my lifetime.


Happy New Year, everyone.

2017 had its highs and lows, just like any year.

Regardless of the issues, I tried to enjoy every day.

After all, life is not always a chocolate covered cherry.

Or is it?



Countdown to 2018

5am, Saturday.


Breakfast club at 830.

Oh oh.


The driveway is covered.

The roads are covered.

Multiple accidents reported.

Back to bed.


Where am I?

Oh yeah.

What day is it?

Oh yeah.

I better get the snow off the car.

Jeans and a sweater over my pjs.


It’s pretty balmy out here.

17 degrees.

Off I go to the local pub for a bite to eat and to wish the local patrons a happy new year.

So happy I went!

Great crew, watching Penn State, sharing a few pints and wishing everyone a happy new year!

I love being with these crazy folks!

Snowing again.

Home early.

Feeling warm and fuzzy.

Good night all!


Tom and Jerry

A Chicken Butt’s view of a frigid Friday, Dec. 29, 2017

Alarm rings and rings and rings.

Shut the heck up.

Rolled over, whispering to myself, “Too cold to get up.  Sleep another 10 minutes.”

(Like those 10 minutes are gonna change the temperature)

Finally, jumped out of bed, as I thought I saw daylight approaching.

It must have been a UFO.  Still only 530am.

Coffee please.

Feed the cat.

What is that wacko cat doing now?

If I didn’t know better, I would say she is stalking a mouse.

Ready for work.

Oh yeah, this car has heated seats.

So, my hind end is warm, but the rest of me is freezing.

Last working day of 2017.

Reports, billing, cleaning up…. and then cleaning out my desk.

Geez, I have accumulated way too much stuff in 14 years.

My goal?  To give all this stuff away before I leave next week.

Well, except of course, for my 3 chickens and the weiner.

No, on second thought, I am leaving the weiner.

He has a way of keeping everyone behaving.

At 5pm, had a few drinks with Brian, Chris, Chris, Chris and LD.

Oh yeah, and listened to Elvis sing to the juke box.

Came home to P Daddy and guess what?

Yup, a dead mouse.

The stalking puff daddy still rocks in the mouse hunting department.

3 days off, as we end the old year… and welcome in the new.

2018:  It is going to be a very good year!


A warm feeling on a cold night

Ooooo la la.

Frigid temps.

Warm friends.

Smoked sausages with OJ and vodka.

I think the Chicken Butt is on the road to recovery.

Sometimes it takes an hour or so with Christine, to set my ass straight.

Hunker down.

It’s a 3 dog night.

Counting down…. as the days whiz by.

4 to go.

I wonder, sometimes, if we all wait too long to retire.

Like the Rolling Stones song:  Am I rough enough? Am I tough enough?  Am I rich enough?

Yes, yes, and no.

Life cannot be measured  by material riches.

When it is your final hour, what is it that makes your life meaningful?

I don’t have all the answers, but I hope, when it is my time, I will be able to say:

“I came into this life with nothing.  I worked hard for years, to take care of my loved ones.  And now, as I move into another sphere, I have only my legacy left, to last for eternity.”

And that legacy?

To believe, to love, to give and to enjoy.

Happy New Year, kids.





Angel and Aggie doing their magic.

On one of the coldest day of the year, an angel spread her warmth.

She and her Mother live among us.

They spread good cheer and happiness to all those they encounter.

Miss Angel and Mother Angelica.

A mother and daughter act that will knock your socks off.

You may not believe it, but…

They are there, to warm your world with fabulous homemade cards, soft chickens, jammies and robes, unique trees and just a lot of love.

I cannot recall when I have felt so very warm and loved, as I do today, on the coldest day of the year.

Thank you Angel and Aggie, for making me feel the way I do tonight.

If only I could do the same for you!




What the heck is wrong with the Chx Butt?

Time to reveal the truth.

Heaven forbid!

I am not a fan of Christmas.

Not the Christmas I know.

Never was.

Not now.

Not ever.

There is something about Christmas gatherings that make me feel sad.

This all started when I was about 5 or 6 years old.

As the family would gather and carry on, I would sneak up the stairs, to my bedroom…. and cry.

For years, no one caught on.

Until, my sister in law found me, on that fateful Eve, crying in my bedroom.

She insisted that I join the festivities.

I was the grumpy cat, the scrooge, the cry baby, the ungrateful child…..

All I wanted to do was hide.

“Hey, what’s wrong with the chicken butt?”

‘Come on.  Have something to eat.  We have ham and fruit salad and baked beans and presents under the tree.”

“All your siblings are here, with their kids.  It will be fun.”

It wasn’t.

I just wanted to be left alone.

And so it went…. year after year.

The family traditions.

The gifts.

The pleasantries… as the guests assembled.

And I?

I would fade away, hoping no one would notice.

Throughout the years, most did not notice.

And then it came down to this year.

I am alone, more or less.

I don’t feel good.

I have a cough and a virus that is driving me crazy.


I can be here, with that crazy cat of Jim’s, celebrating the way I believe Christmas should be celebrated:  Quiet, Reflective, and Peaceful.

And so it was.

Kudos to those who prefer to celebrate with food and drink and presents, family and friends.

To each his own.

For me?

I am happy it is over.

You see, some of us just cannot cope with the emotional baggage we carry on the Christmas holidays.

Next year?

I will find my place, my purpose, serving those who feel like I do:

A good meal, a kind word and a quiet reflection on what this holy day is all about.

I need to find that feeling, that meaning, that purpose, so that one day, I will be able to say, “It was a wonderful Christmas!”





Chicken with her head coughed off

Go to the grocery store early on Christmas Eve morning.

Should be a quiet time.


Have breakfast at a little café.

It will be open.


Skip the cold/cough medicine.

Your cold should be gone by now.


Grab a quick bite and a beer for lunch.

You will feel better.


Bring the groceries home and feed the cat.



Take cold medicine and a short nap.


Slept for hours.

It is now Christmas day.

I was dreaming of a while Christmas.


Chalk one up for the Christmas Butt.

Things are looking up.








Hootchie Cootchie

Not sure who slept more yesterday;  Puff or the Chx Butt.

Trying to knock this cold out of the park.

So far, no home runs.

Feeling like a bowl of rice krispies this morning:  crackling and popping.

It is indeed a luxury to have vacation time on days like these.

I may even break down and watch a few Christmas movies today.

On second thought, I don’t like Christmas movies.

My priority today :  raw honey, lemon, tea and hootch.

Have a wonderful Saturday!!



A long winter’s night. A short winter’s day.

The shortest day of the year.

Some of us celebrated with a cat.

Dressed in pjs.

Me, not the cat.

Slept off and on all day.

Tired of battling the incessant coughing.

A busy time of year.

Hustle, bustle.

Not for me.

I am giving myself the greatest gift of all:

Rest, reflection, and retirement.


Merry Christmas Everyone.

