Up on Cripple Creek

Have you ever accepted an invitation and then….. something happened on the way to the bar?

Seems like the later the invite, the worse I get.

Ok, so at 11am, I am at DD for coffee.

Time to have a few beers before the next appointment.

Hey! Bryan! Hey Chris! Hey, whoever you are! Cheers!

Thanks for the beers!

Oh oh. It is getting closer to the time when I need to get my ass in gear and high tail it to Sissy’s.

Well, let’s just say this about that: There is nothing worse than showing up for dinner at a friend’s house, loaded to the max.

Sidebar: Bryan, what is wrong with me? “Well, you like to talk your ass off, and you really don’t care what anyone else thinks, so I guess you are an anomaly.”

Ok, so what now?

Ali, my doctor for the day said: ” Call to let her know you are not going to make it, as you are incapacitated.”

I did.

She was not exactly happy.

To ease the pain, I made plans to have brunch with her tomorrow morning.

2 incorrigible women, both alive at the same time, living in Pennsylvania, without a clue what it’s all about.

As I have mentioned numerous times: Do not make plans in advance with me. I like spontaneous living. After working for 50 + years, planning is toxic to me.

With that, I am home and in my pjs, slightly tipsy, but happy as a clam, on this day, Feb 29, 2020.

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Free at last

My two surrogate Mothers are on their way to warmer climates.

Just think: No one around to ask me, “Did you eat today?”

To be ornery, and rebellious, it was Dunkin time this morning: Bagels and a jelly doughnut, topped off with a chocolate caramel turtle.

When the cat’s away, the mouse will play. And this mouse is already out of control, eating carbs, sugar and all that good stuff.

Next stop will be to visit my little friend, to consume a few beers and a burger.

Free at last! Free at last!

And tomorrow? A major feast fest at Sissy’s, turkey and all the trimmings. She doesn’t like to bake, so I am bringing a decadent dessert. Oink oink.

I will be so fat on Sunday, that I may not make it through the kitchen door. If not, I stocked up on a few snacks on my way home from Dunkin. It is the Lenten season, and I am celebrating Fat Tuesday until the cows come home, or until I am put out to pasture.

I just looked at some old photos of me when I was 4 years old. Geez. What a chubby little brat. I guess once a blimp, always a blimp. My hair-do, however, was completely ridiculous. Gram took me to the hair dresser for a perm. What a freakish looking kid. I never did recover from that.

Time to find my ear muffs. Winter is blasting away again. Brrrrr. I like ear muffs. No matter what, they always fit.

Getting ready to head out now, to stop for whiskey for my men and beer for my horses.




Another day of coughing, sneezing, and yearning for the former life, when I was normal.

Yeah, well, I have never been exactly normal, but I decided to pretend today like I am a well adjusted woman, in control of her life.

As the afternoon progressed, it was obvious that I had failed.

Why is Tim here? And why is Tina, aka Dana, looking tired? And who the hell is Steve, Doug and the other guy?

Trying to keep it all together, as CH, BB, Eric, JM, KK and MP shook their heads in disbelief.

Truth: No, I do not like James Taylor, Queen and Paul Simon.

Truth: I need less drama, and more craziness in my every day routine.

Truth: Who bought me that beer? I wanted to thank that masked man.

I must say that I am crazy about David Muir. Yeah, the ABC guy who does the nightly news.

After asking several people what they wanted to be when they grew up, all I got was laughter; thinly disguised, as the fate of most of us realize. We will never grow up, nor will we ever achieve our dreams.

I intend to achieve my dream: To live my life, as I wish, for the rest of this short life on this planet.

And to bestow upon all who enter my little bubble, all the enthusiasm, caring and love, that i have to offer.

Tomorrow? Friday: Oh boy! Another day to celebrate.

If you have to ask, ” What are you celebrating”, Join me at 1pm, with the cutest girl in the world, Kaitlyn, and we will rock your world.



Exploding? or Imploding?

Wondering: Should an elderly person…. strike that.

Should an old lady… wait….

Should an ancient goof start taking dietary supplements?

I ordered Christophers original formula and micronized creatine capsules on line, just for the heck of it.

Christophers contains all kinds of strange things: black walnut leaf, goldenseal root, bugleweed, plantain leaf marshmallow root and lobelia herb. I wonder if Mr Christopher was the original snake oil sales guy, in the movie Josie Wales.

The creatine capsules contain creatine, to help support recycling during explosive movements. If you hear I blew up in one of those explosive moments, blame it on creatine, whatever that is.

I took my first dose of Christophers and creatine this morning.

In a few weeks, I should be swinging from chandeliers, smoking herb and ultimately exploding into a recycled marshmallow peep.

After all, it’s been said: Life is a blast!


Those elusive moments

2nd day leaving the walking dead for the still alive crowd.

My buddy DH, aka Tina, made chicken noodle soup for the soul. Hit the spot! Delicious!

It has been said that seniors should take it easy. They are subject to illnesses and diseases, mainly because they are old, worn out and have that “delusionary” outlook. You know, they think they should be able to do what they did 40 years ago with no problem. And then, wham! Wiped out for a week or two after catching the flu.

That brings me to the flu shot subject. There are those who get the shot every year and those who just don’t believe in the vaccine. Taking it another step, once the flu hits, the emergency care centers are filled with germy, coughing, contagious people. And what is prescribed? No antibiotics will help cure a virus, so it’s back to drinking fluids, get rest and stay the heck away from sick people.

Take it from me. I have another theory about getting sick. Planes. Seems to me, there is no way in hell that sitting in an enclosed vessel, with 200 other people, is any guarantee to staying healthy. And forget the face masks. I hear they really don’t help but they do create panic and dysfunctional behavior, if you happen to sit next to a masked man/woman.

On the other hand, life is short. Vacations are fun. Getting away from the daily routine is exciting. So what if you happen to be old and to catch a virus? You can rest and drink water when you get home.

Pour yourself another tropical drink and walk in the sand, while you still can. Meet new friends, laugh and pretend you are young again.

Don’t let the elusive spectacular moments of your life get away from you!


Bouncing back

Out of the ashes, out of the ruins, the chicken butt has emerged, semi alive.

A touch and go experience, for sure.

Quite frightening when breathing becomes difficult.

I was one day away from the ER, when, the congestion started to break up.

It was an eye opener for me; life is precious. Do not take it for granted. I feel fortunate and grateful that I am coming around.

8 days of rest and hydration did the trick.

I have a new outlook on living a healthy life.

So happy to be back.



I just might be the most frightful person on earth today.

For 4 days and 3 nights, I went through the war zone, and like the deranged ground hog, emerged today, with no sun in sight.

The wounds linger on, leaping and hopping like a moon shadow, in my lungs.

The fever is gone, I hope for good.

The coughing is another story.

I am considering going out today, mainly to scare the little kids in the neighborhood.

However, considering and actually going are 2 different things.

I believe I am over the contagious phase, but, I am not willing to risk it. If this dreaded chicken butt disease spreads, I will be hunted down and exposed as the source of the misery and suffering of the afflicted. (very similar to what my friends at the bar experience on a daily basis)

All that being said, Friday sounds like a good day to gently re-enter civilization with my little buddy, Kaitlyn.

A’ Demain!


One more day

Taking another sick day off from work.

Wait! I don’t work.

Taking a sick day off from wild living, to re-energize, and to kick this cold and cough off its course.

If you haven’t tried Cold-Eeze Zinc tablets, they do help. I’m not fond of the flavor, wild berry, but they seem to cut down on the length of time these crazy germs stick around.

I was able to wander through the grocery store yesterday, sporting a whiter shade of pale, to pick up salads and some healthy snacks. Ok, salads and semi healthy snacks. For those who worry about my eating habits, I have this to say about that: Silence! I kill you!

Having fits and bouts of sleep during which the dreams are over the top. Some are better than watching old movies. I wake up and wonder where my new friends went.

Just finished a Greek Salad and am heading back to bed to watch my old buddy Telly Savalas eat a lolipop.

Hope to be a “spring” chicken soon.



Diagnosis: Kennel Cough

Night time, with a cough is not for the faint of heart.


Forget it.

Just the same old, same old: cough cough.

After believing I was on the road to recovery, I went out for breakfast, immediately came home and fell asleep for 2 hours, before heading out for my favorite remedy, hot toddies.

Ran into CJ, who is looking fabulous, and is enjoying her new job so much, that she has decided to go full time. We are going to celebrate when that happens in a month or so!

A few of my peeps kept me company until the boys arrived, to share our usual routine of laughter. Remember Brooks and Dunn? Well, Ronnie Dunn walked in to have a beer with me. Ok, so he looked like Ronnie Dunn.

Back to bed early, to cough my way into the night, armed with nightquil, cough gels and vicks, waking up every few hours, to self medicate.

Thinking about Tan Jen today, and her health issue, hoping for a speedy recovery: a reminder that I only have a #%#@%W#% cold, and that this, too, will pass in a few days. However, at my age? It could be the big one.

I keep hearing this crazy noise. Scary sounding, ghostly, eerie. I looked around the house this morning, for a sign, and guess what? The sound is coming from me! Congestion, wheezing and all that jazz. How about that? I am afraid of my own shadow.

Ok, I have been up for an hour. Time to go back to bed, to rest, so I can fly with the eagles once again. Or more appropriately, to whoop it up with the cranes.


Getting a grip

Anyone else go on a trip and come back sick?

Here I am again: Sore throat and now? Coughing like a wild albatross.

However, I refuse to let that keep a cougar down.

Time to get dressed and go out for breakfast.

If the Dixie Chicks are in the neighborhood, I will stop to see them.

Funny how we miss home and our familiar surroundings when we are away.

Most of us like our routines, just like our pets.

A few answers came to me while I was away.

1. Would I move to Florida? No. Believe it or not, too crowded, even in the keys. People are not as friendly as they are up North. I prefer a rural setting, instead of a touristy, buzzing community. Yup, this girl is a Yankee.

2. Am I sick of winter? No. I love the 4 seasons. Always changing, never boring, with each season having its own beauty.

3. Will I stop talking to strangers? No, but I will be a tad bit more observant when I do. For example, I met Joel and Naomi. Joel is probably in his 60s, and Naomi is young. Maybe later 20’s, early 30’s. He claims he is a olympic swimmer. OK. Sure fooled me. And she? Well, she is very pretty, wearing 6 or 7 inch heels, that were black and silver, a short dress and I think, a wig. Hello! Yes, now that I think back, she is a call girl. And she wants to come up North to visit me. Duh! Wake up, Buttercup.

4. Will I return to the keys? Probably not. I prefer to go someplace new every year. Like, U2 I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. Maine and the New England states are calling….

5. Is it easy being a traveling companion? Not with me. I tend to wander around, talk to everyone and get lost. Something ain’t right in my head. And don’t ask me to get too serious about any issues that may arise. This too shall pass. Besides, once one becomes annoyed, that person’s true character emerges, immediately revealing their soul.

Off now, to enjoy scrambled eggs, grits, and coffee, with all the memories of the past week, tucked away with fondness.
