We all hold the key to a successful life

If you have ever heard a motivational speaker, did the motivation last very long?

I get fired up and inspired after attending a session with a good speaker.

Rah rah rah!

But within a few days, the inspiration wanes.

It’s almost like viewing a good movie.

You can’t wait to tell everyone about it, but it is short lived.

The same thing is true if you join a gym or a weight loss club.

You have to show up, all the time, or the old habits creep in.

I love to see kids pick up a musical instrument and join the band. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment peaks and then, slowly they drop out, to pursue other interests.

What is it that separates those who succeed and those who don’t?


Plain and simple.

Hard work.




Kind of like a marriage.

Think about the successful people in their careers and you will find that they lived their lives dedicated to their passion.

If they had a set back or a failure, they kept going, until they got it right.

Their motivation? It came from within, not from an external source.

And that, I believe, is the secret to success; self motivation.

We all carry it with us and in us, if we choose to use it.


Fireballs and Bears

The morning was a rabid intruder after a night of debauchery and a basement full of bears.

Getting home? Well, thanks to Tina’s cousin and the town bum, I arrived in one piece. I am blaming it on the fireballs and all those cute guys, whoever they were.

Sleep came in fits. And with life changing dreams. There I was, at my Mom’s house in Minnesota, looking down into the basement, when a giant bear appeared. He saw me and ran up the stairs to eat me, I suspect. I held the door closed until he went down to check on his other guests. 7 more bears: Little ones, big ones and that giant. They were on the roof, in the closets, looking for me. My husband was there. I think it was my husband. He didn’t really look anything like him, but he was happy that the bears were coming to take me away…. to the rest home, probably.

I finally made it to the alley, behind my Mothers’ house when I noticed 8 lions walking towards the avenue, and then 8 elephants joined them. The bears rambled on, behind them, ignoring me. The trio of 8s were gone, just as animal control showed up.

It’s been said that dreams have a meaning. I figure my dream is a harbinger of things to come. Yes, I am joining the circus.

Needless to say, I was foggy eyed and bushy tailed this morning, and decided to get some fresh air, and to have a leisurely breakfast, before shopping. I never did do any shopping.

I am home, looking lovingly at my flannel nightgown.

After my traumatic night of fireballs and bears, I need comforting.

It’s night night for me, in the middle of the day.




Fame and fortune: No one is immune

Hey! Sissy! Let’s go to brunch!!

And we did.

A lovely time: Green eggs and ham, with a couple of vitamin C drinks.

On to the next stop.

The movie goes on and on and on… and so did we.

Brandy Alex and Cognac.

Hey, there’s Sam, and Bobby, Rob, Dane, Ray and our favorite cuties: Meg, Kait and Leigh.

As the afternoon slowly ticked away, a devastating tragedy made us all realize that we, humans, live today, with no promise for tomorrow.

When we said goodbye, we hugged each other, just a little bit longer, whispering, “I love you.”

Soon Mark and I will traveling on a plane, just because.

We recognize that life is finite and fragile, and we need to enjoy a few days in the sun.

Goodbye, Kobe and your daughter.

You are a star in the face of the sky tonight.

My wish for all of you: Live your life as if it were your last day on this planet.

Be kind to one another.

And don’t forget to hug your loved ones.


Q’s without A’s.

For years, I have been asking the same questions.

I guess there are some things that just can’t be answered, like:

Where do the birds go in a blizzard?

Why do men wear ties?

In business, Is there really a “paperless” environment?

Isn’t this double dipping: taxing Social Security benefits?

Which is the better pet? Dog or cat?

Why do some people stay in jobs they hate?

If you discuss politics or religion in a bar, do you enjoy getting beat up?

Is less really more?

One last ridiculous question: Why do chickens cross the road?

Peace out!


Lesson learned

I have lived a few years, probably more than most.

Looking back, it seems that the memories that brought me the most joy, also brought their share of misery.

The good and the bad, ying and yang, agony and ecstasy: yes, relationships, all kinds of relationships.

Family? Sure, I loved my brothers, most of the time. But growing up together did make for some epic arguments and fights. We survived, but went our separate ways eventually, and were never as close as we once were, when we were kids.

Friends: It’s difficult to maintain close friendships, once you have a job, and are transferred several times, to new locations. New friends emerge in the new environment, over and over again.

Marriage? For better, for worse, etc. When it is good, it is great, and when it isn’t, it is just plain awful.

Passionate about something? Perhaps music? You join a band and feel you have found your purpose, until the band starts to have problems with artistic direction. Even the Beatles broke up, eventually.

When you do find yourself with a group of friends, that hang out together on a regular basis, it is a speical time, filled with laughter and teasing, until someone crosses the line. Drama creeps in, creating hurt feelings and breaking the fragile bonds that hold people together.

Even a relationship with a pet is filled with happiness and despair. But pets give us unconditional love, which may be the most perfect love we will ever experience.

In the end, we all make mistakes, hurt others’ feelings unintentionally, and possibly give up on relationships.

As I said, I have lived a few years, probably more than most, and I cherish those relationships that have taught me that life has its ups and downs, and cannot be predicted.

Life goes on.


To fly or not to fly

I went on a search and rescue mission….. for my social security card.

It wasn’t easy, but I found it tucked away with old starbucks and dunkin gift cards.

It is a disgusting mess.

Why didn’t I get it laminated when I got this thing?

The first sentence on the back: Do not laminate this card.

I am so happy I didn’t carry it around with me, for the past hundred or so years. It would have been in worse shape than I am.

I need it , to get a “real” ID from the state.


To fly.

Not that I fly that much, at least not in a plane.

One more item is required: A birth certificate with a raised stamp.

I’ll be damned if I can find it.

Now, I am writing to Minnesota for a copy of the birth certificate.

But… with that, I have to have proof of name changes: 2, for me.

2 husbands.

I need marriage licenses.

No, can’t find those either.

So, I have to write to Minnesota and Maryland for the licenses.

Bottom line: These real IDs are a pia.

I’m rethinking this flying thing.

For now, the only flying I will be doing is under the radar….. or on my faithful old broom.


Breaking tradition

A change of pace this morning.

It’s good to break the chain occasionally.

“Hello? What you doing? Wanna have breakfast?”

“I will be there in a NY minute.”

Following breakfast, at 1030am, to be exact, we were entering the local establishment, much to the delight (or dismay) of Tito Pam and Love Struck Lisa.

The cooter sisters were right behind us.

Can you imagine? 4 of us goofs at 1030am, ready to rock and roll?

“Coffee please. Oh yeah, and add cognac, please.”

I could have stayed all day, but by noon, I was getting slightly out of control. Surprise surprise.

Home now, and ready to take a nap.

We old folks love to take naps, especially after a couple of loaded coffees.

Before leaving, I noticed a new drink: Wild Leaf.

Voila! That’s it! My new mission: To turn over a wild leaf.



Irish Coffee and Peeping Tom

Making a list, checking it twice.

I highly doubt if I will pay any attention to it.

It’s Sunday, and I am easy like Sunday morning, translated meaning, I am not feeling that list.

Besides, it is cold and blustery. And the car is covered with ice and snow.

My motto: Do not over exert myself. Wait til it melts. However, it doesn’t look promising today, which means I may be watching the football games at home, eating nachos while sipping on rum chata.

I have a peeping Tom. . A tabby cat, who creeps up to my window and stares at me. I tried to talk to him, but he doesn’t want to talk, he just wants to peep.

No, I don’t want another cat. No more pets! No more wire hangers! I prefer the peeping variety. I have enough trouble taking care of myself these days.

As I wait patiently for the snow on the car to melt, I have a craving for an Irish Coffee. Yes! Another item I can cross off my list. No, wait. That wasn’t on my list.

I am crossing off everything else on that miserable list and adding the coffee.

I love making high level decisions.

Here’s my toasts for today: Go Chiefs and go Packers!

Enjoy this frosty, sparkling day!!


Finally! Snow!!


However, the Breakfast Club must go on.

Ooops, where is everyone?

No one showed up.

Snow in the forecast.

Might as well have breakfast by myself.

Just then, Diane showed up.

We had pancakes and yakked for about an hour.

At 10am, here comes the snow, swirling, dancing and blowing across the roads.

Folks around these here parts are panicky.

After all, this is Pennsylvania, where the flakes make all these die hard pioneers flakey.

Even the bars may close.

Now that is Un- American.

Not to be a know it all, but back in Minnesota, this little blast of winter is far from daunting.

It takes at least a foot or two of snow to stop the Scandinavians. You betcha!

As I munch on chocolate covered pretzels, I am admiring the silent snow, thinking about Conrad Aiken’s “Silent Snow Secret Snow”.

Leaving now, with these thoughts from Mary Oliver:

Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.”


Music and memories

Music is one of the greatest joys of living.

Just hearing a song can bring back memories of a loved one or a place.

A few, however, flash images of the performing artist in our heads.

Some of those instant flashbacks for me, include:

Michael Jackson, performing Billie Jean.

Prince, Purple Rain.

Whitney: The National Anthem.

The Highway Men: , Willie, Waylon, Johnny and Kris, Good Hearted Woman

Billy Joel: Uptown Girl.

John Lennon: Imagine

Cat Stevens: Morning has broken

Dolly and Kenny: Islands in the Sun

Stones: Start me up

Dylan: Like a Rolling Stone

Elvis: Suspicious Minds

Marley: I shot the sheriff

Springstein: Born in the USA

Clapton: Layla

Bowie: Space Oddity

David Lee Roth: Jump

Guns n Roses: Sweet child of mine

Talking Heads: Burning down the house

Zep: Stairway to Heaven

Hendrix: Purple Haze

The Band: The Weight

There are so many more.

The list goes on and on.

When I hear a favorite, it is like opening a a gift; a very special gift that brings joy to my heart.
