When iced in, choose comfort

The dreaded ice and sleet have started.

I hear it tinging against the windows.

Makes me want hot chocolate and toast.

Did you eat that when you were a kid?

Toast with butter, dipped in hot chocolate.

It’s sweet, satisfying and soggy.

I love it.

Comfort food at its simplest and best.

Next:  A Michael Connelly book:  Supposed to be beathtakingly suspenseful.

And then? 2 scary movies: Silence of the Lambs and In Cold Blood.

Reminds me of yesterday, when I had friends for lunch.

A fabulous day ahead, with a hot fudge sundae scheduled for the afternoon.

And maybe a rum chata or two.

Hope you are staying healthy, safe, and giving thanks for another day on this amazing, mysterious planet.



yes or no?

We have been waiting for 9 months, to find a way home.

To our normal lives.

Now that the vaccine is becoming available, the word on the street is divided.

Some welcome it.

Others will absolutely refuse it.

It confuses me.

Is it a trust issue?

A conspiracy?

A hoax?

If the vaccine is not the answer to ending the madness, then what is?

We are all tired of distancing, masking and living under stringent rules.

If you could prevent a death of a family member, a stranger, a co worker, or yourself, would you do it?

I want my life back.

We all do.

If we do nothing, what will change?

How long can we live like this?

We have hope now, in this vaccine.

Do I have all the answers?

Absolutely not.

However, we cannot continue to live without our freedom, jobs, socializing and family.

Please stay safe, be healthy, and choose to live your life, once again.


Shhh. Don’t tell the CDC

Bravely or stupidly, depending on which you prefer, I went out today.

My prescriptions were ready, at the pharmacy.

The CDC says do not go to pharmacies.

Yeah, well, I tried to get a delivery.

No dice.

If I don’t take my meds, I get the heebie jeebies, and crave alcoholic drinks and drunk friends.

So, I went.

Next, grocery store: Why? Because I ate all the good stuff and needed necessities like cookies, Jack Daniels cake, bananas, yogurt and chicken noodle soup.

The CDC says do not go to grocery stores.

I went anyway.

If I don’t eat, I will go to restaurants and bars and get the virus.

Or so the CDC says.

Since the #@%#% virus is planning on staying until next year some time, if I did not go to the pharmacy and grocery stores, I would be stark raving mad, with a drinking problem.

Come to think of it, I am that way now, and have been ever since March 16, 2020.

When the vaccine is available, will I take it?

Heck yeah!

It’s the only way I can go to the pharmacy with the CDC’s blessing.

If I’m lucky, the bars might start giving out the vaccine.



The dog was wrong

Where were you on December 2,1985?

Some of you were not born yet.


It was just another ordinary day.

35 years ago.

Seems like yesterday.

Elkton Maryland.

Wearing jeans and cowboy boots.

A dog was howling in the background, trying to tell us:
Don’t do it.

But we did.

We smiled and laughed through the short ceremony.

And then we began our journey.

Married life.

We celebrated our 30th anniversary, the last one with Jim.

Was it a good marriage?

Yes and no, just like all relationships.

We said our vows 35 years ago today, and we kept them.

Rest in peace Jim.

I will always miss you.



Fake? Or reality?

Fake news from the Wolf:

It depends on your perception, if you think this news is fake.

It is opinion.


But haven’t you noticed? The network news is primarily opinions.

A lot of “What ifs” and speculation.

Today, I tuned in to a news conference on the status of Corvid in Pennsylvania.

My focus?

What about the restaurants and the so called non essential businesses?

It took about a half hour for someone to ask this question.

No change in current restrictions.

Just wear a mask, at all times.

Even when visiting friends.

When I visit my friends, we usually have a couple of drinks.

Well, sometimes more than a couple.

It’s going to be tough having a cocktail wearing a mask, or eating dinner.

The bottom line?

“If” the virus spreads to the point that our hospitals are beyond capacity, then we may see more restrictions.

And if we travel to another state, we need to be tested when we come back to Pennsy.

I took an inventory of my masks.

I have some humdingers.

Since I have lived beyond my expected expiration date, I may be able to get the vaccine that could be available sometime next year.

However, even then, masks will continue to be required.

Checking the response to the latest edicts, it appears that there are those who believe the virus is real and those that say it is not.

My opinion?

I will wear a mask.

I won’t like it, but I will wear it.

I believe the virus is real, and is a serious threat to our freedom, our future and our way of life.

Maybe I am just a good soldier, a follower, a believer in what the scientists are saying.

Too many have been sick.

Too many have died.

If wearing a mask will keep our small businesses open, and curtail the infection rate, it is well worth the small sacrifice.

Be safe, stay healthy, and choose wisely.

Our lives depend on it.


Reflecting on the death of a spouse

Our lives go along, we have jobs, kids, pets, issues, dreams, problems, hobbies, and goals.

Then one day something happens and nothing is ever the same.

It could be an illness, an accident, a promotion, a marriage, a financial crisis, a death or another life changing event.

Can anyone really prepare for the unexpected?

Even when the inevitable is closing in on us, we find ourselves unwilling or unable to cope.

Our emotions are raw and painful; guilt kicks in; we grieve for what we lost, wishing that it is a bad dream, or we refuse to accept our circumstances, and find a temporary escape.

Time and life go on, in spite of reality.

I have had several of those “days” in my life.

I’m sure you have too.

Somehow we find a way out, to reinvent ourselves, to accept our loss, and to find purpose, out of our old comfort zone and begin to accept the new normalcy.

We humans are resilient, but fragile.

It would be easy to give up, to hang on to the past.

When that day comes in your life, give yourself time to grieve, but not forever.

Life is a gift.

A temporary gift, a fleeting gift, and the greatest gift of all, if you have the courage to accept change, and the strength to find a new path, when all else seems lost.



None of us has ever been through a year like this one, and it keeps on keeping on.

Can you remember March 16th, 2020?

It was a normal, fun filled event at the local pub, with 15 or 20 friends, anticipating St. Patrick’s day.

And then, all hell broke loose.

How can life change so quickly, bringing our country to its knees, locked down, in shock and fear?

Many of us complied, staying at home, as much as possible; venturing out to the grocery store or the pharmacy, when it was essential.

Our kids? Yanked out of school to study at home, in virtual reality.

Unemployment up, small businesses shuttered and the economy in shambles.

Our questions in March: When will this end? If we stay in quarantine for 2 weeks, will we return to normal living? Is there a cure for the virus? Will it eventually go away? What if I get sick?

As time went on, as we hunkered down, the virus did not seem to be quite as daunting.

Now, 8 months later, after many attempts to gradually open up businesses and enterprise, we let our guard down.

It is November 2020, and we are in crisis, battling a virus that will not relinquish its hold on us.

We are being told to wear masks, to socially distance ourselves and to stay at home as much as possible, and to forego the usual holiday celebrations.

The number of cases is reaching alarming new records, with over a thousand deaths in the US daily.

Do the American people have the resolve, the courage and the fortitude to continue to fight to control the disease?

A pandemic out of control.

The most powerful country in the world, crippled by a virus, that is hell bent on destroying our way of life, as we watch in horror as hundreds of thousands are sickened, and dying.

Today, I noticed more people wearing masks, with the exception of one group of approximately 25 people who were celebrating following a wedding celebration.

Not exactly the smartest thing to do, but so very tempting, in November, when we are all so tired of 2020 and its virus.

Have you heard this?

“I am not afraid of the virus. I have to live my life. So what if I get sick?”

In the end, it will depend on one thing: How sick will you be? And what about those you may infect?

There are only 2 results: Getting better or dying.

Choose your path carefully.


An American privilege: voting

Mid October: Time to get a flu shot. Not everyone feels good about the flu shot. Some say it is not effective; it is not based on the current strain. Or, even that the flu shot is dangerous and you could get the flu after getting it. You can’t, by the way. I get one every year. Do I still get the flu? Sometimes. But over the years, I feel it has been effective for me. To each his own, eh?

Sissy met me for lunch before she went home to take care of George, the wonder dog. I told her I would come over later. I didn’t. Davey came in, then Chris, Bryan, and Josh. As you might suspect, once I get started, well, I am in no hurry to leave the boys.

Hearing from the princess made me feel good: She is having a much better week, at her new job. Miracles do happen and are alive and well in Pennsylvania.

After making my trek down the driveway for Waste Mgt, I had a wild craving for eggs and grits. How do you like your grits? I like mine with butter, salt and pepper. Yum! And that’s not all: biscuits, gravy, bacon and hashbrowns accompanied the feast. Oink oink.

I am taking some time today to decide on next year’s medical and prescription plans. There are so many options that it drives me nuts, so I usually stay with my current selections, unless, like the year, the prescription plan I have is horrible. Now to find the one for me.

And I am voting today!!

Hope you all are voting this year! It is one of our most precious privileges.

Be safe, stay healthy, and choose to focus on your happiness!


The pay it forward mask

Do you really want to review the VP debate?

I don’t.

But, here I am, talking about it.

Briefly, my thoughts: Pence needs a hearing aid. He could not hear what questions were asked. I guess it was the plexi glass.

Harris? Great facial expressions, a dazzling smile and a folksy way of “talking” to all of us back on the farm.

Moving right along, the President is getting antsy, cooped up in the white house. The clock is ticking. I wonder if he now wishes he had worn a mask.

Meanwhile Biden is biding his time, hanging on to his tentative lead, knowing that an open mouth, insert foot, must be avoided at all costs.

The virus is picking up speed. With that in mind, I went grocery shopping, just in case I might run out of oreos and can’t get out of the house. And popcorn too.

I must have allergies or I am on the verge of catching a cold. My mission today is to shop for those magic lozenges to quell the onslaught. If you believe in magic and miracles, they do work.

That reminds me, Halloween is in the air: a magical, mystical time when we all love wearing masks. Funny, isn’t it? Most of us wear “invisible” masks, everyday, depending on who or what we are trying to be. Wearing a face mask to contain the virus is probably the least popular mask, and Halloween? Come on now. It would be Un-America not to wear a mask on that day.

The prettiest mask I have ever worn? A smile, if it is sincere. Try it. You will be surprised at how that mask duplicates itself, over and over again.

A beautiful day to be alive! Friday, October 9, 2020: Be safe, stay healthy and choose to be happy!


The big one

Pacing myself. I wanted to meet the boys late this afternoon for a few laughs and drinks.

A leisurely breakfast.

Few chores around the house.

Waited until 2pm to head out for lunch.

Could not resist the chicken pot pie.

I should have.


Talk about a big one!!

I have always like big ones, but this was over the top.

As I was waiting in the check out line, another big one stared at me.

This time, a chocolate almond candy bar.


One more big one for the day.

I ate it. All of it.

Why, oh why?

I had to go home immediately, to lie down and take a nap.

Never did make it to the bar.

I was too fat and sassy, sleeping my ass off.

In the middle of the night, there I was, the beached whale, wide awake and very parched.

Water please!

Of course, no one was there to bring me water.

I forget, sometimes, that the husbands, dog, and cats are long gone.

I had to make the ultimate sacrifice and reach over to the bed stand to get a bottle of water.

Oh the humanity!!
There will be no pacing for me today.

Very dangerous path to take, when you are slightly unhinged.

Be safe, healthy and watch out for the big ones.
