A senior’s reflection on life

Now that I have aged gracefully…. ok, not true.

Starting again.

Now that I have aged, I have a few lessons for the young crowd.

1. Never stop learning. Education comes in many forms, much of which stems from experience. College isn’t necessarily the key to success. Follow your heart and your dreams. If you don’t, you will not be happy.

2. Love yourself before you fall in love. Self love is not selfish. It is selfless.

3. Respect others’ beliefs and traditions. Live and let live.

4. Be kind. We don’t know what others are going through.

5. Be generous with your approval, support and love, the keys to happiness.

6. If you want to establish friendships, be a good listener.

7. Take time for reflection and meditation. We all need our space.

8. Give up trying to control others. It rarely works and fosters jealousy and distrust.

9. Help those who are in need. There but for the grace of God…..

10. Choose to be happy. Count your blessings. Laugh and have fun. Live to the fullest. You never know what tomorrow may bring.


A 50/50 split

Sounding like a broken record?

I think my needle is stuck.

Here I go again, asking the same question, to those I meet along the way.

What’s your feeling on Covid 19?

Half take it seriously.

The other half think it is over rated, that we need to resume normal living and get on with our lives.

Do I wear a mask?

Yes, when I have to.

Do I like wearing a mask?

Not really. I am not fond of masks, especially if I am wearing it for a long time.

Will I take the vaccine, when one is available?


Even if there is a chip in it that follows your every move?



I don’t believe that will be the case. Besides, Google already knows where I am every day. I had to write a note to Google to quit stalking me. Did it help? Heck no.

The fall is coming, with its partner, the flu, closely followed by the virus.

Will things get worse? Or better?

You know what?

I have enough issues without thinking about the fall.

For now, I am continuing to go on with my modified way of living, asking those I meet what they think about the virus.

When the fall arrives, I will be like Scarlett O’Hara and think about that tomorrow., if I still give a damn.


From a queen to a jack… ass

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

What about: All play and no work make Jack an ass.

And that is what happened within the past few days: I have become a jackass.

Some people can’t wait for retirement.

Others find it boring.

Me? After 45+ years of working every day, retirement has transformed my diligent approach to life into the days of wine and roses. On second thought, scratch the roses.

The virus started floating into our lives sometime within the past year.

No one seems to know exactly when.

We were locked down, masked and ordered to stay away from people.

If you want a drink, you have to eat.

Booze is bad.

Food is good.

No groups larger than 10, when we got our first taste of “normalcy”.

Next? Groups of 25 were ok.

Next? No more than 250.

Now? No one really knows.

It takes a creative person, with a penchant for drinking beer, to find a way to celebrate life, every day, while the virus waits in the wings, ready to attack.

However, take note: It can be done, even with all the restrictions.

I should know.

After all, I am a world class jackass.


People are a hoot

Peoples’ opinions and statements can be fascinating.

Some have no basis in truth, but then? So what?

This past week, here are a few of those opinions:

“If a dog’s paw steps on your foot, remove it immediately and put your foot on the dog’s paw. This is a sign that the dog wants to be dominant.”

“I’m not watching any football this year.”

“Would you like a drink? “ Answer: “No, I am happily married.”

“It’s the end of summer. What the hell happened to it?”

“Never inseminate a pig by yourself.”

“The chickens are back in your yard. Aren’t you going to kick them out again?”

“There’s quite a bit of in-breeding in that family.”

“I have 400 small cherry tomatoes. I am making sauce. First I have to take the skin off all 400. By then, I could be tipsy.”

“Who drank my beer?


Glory days

Up early, to do laundry and to get my butt to the Q shop for raisin French toast and bacon. Wonderful!!

Next stop: Home.

It was supposed to be my last stop for the day, but around 330, I got ants in my pants and drove down to see Colleen and Pam.

Eating, of course, in mandatory in the bars. OK, pizza, beer and I will head home.


An unassuming, innocent guy walks in and I just had to talk to him. His name ? Lee. He told me he was happily married. Good for you, Buddy. Well, he would not allow me to buy him a drink, so he bought me one and came over to my table to chat. After hearing his life story, I told him I was not leaving yet. I was waiting for Bryan to show up.

“If Bryan is on his way, I am staying too”, says Lee.

“Oh you know Bryan?”

Turns out he has known him and just about everyone else in the neighborhood for 40 years.

It turned into a great night, reminiscing about the days of old.

In the blink of an eye, the bar was closing. What the hell? How did it get so late?

It was just as Bruce Springsteen sang:

Glory days well they’ll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl’s eye
Glory days, glory days

Another night to remember!!


No rest for the wicked

Have you ever promised yourself that you would take a few days to rest your weary and wicked soul?

I did. On Monday.

It is now Wednesday.

Ok, so it didn’t happen.

Instead I went to lunch and drinks on Monday, and Tuesday.

Monday’s lunch turned into an afternoon delight, with several buddies showing up for a few blasts. I didn’t leave until the cows came home.

Tuesday was a sunny, beautiful day as Sam and I dined on the patio of one of our favorite restaurants. 2 guys walked by. Geez, they looked familiar. They had lunch indoors and sent out a drink for us, and then joined us on the patio later, to chat for awhile. I guess we girls are just unforgettable.

“Let’s go visit Kim after lunch”, said the instigator. We did. And our old buddy, Ray came out of hibernation to join us for awhile. I think it has been 5 months since we last saw him.

Wednesday! I day to relax. Wait. Waste Management will be here early. Shoot. Since I was dressed, and it was early, I drove to dunkin for my usual high test and donut.

It is the afternoon, and I am so proud of myself, for moderately resting today, that I am thinking of going out. Why not? Life is short. Besides, I won’t stay out very long.

I lie.

Hope you are having a safe, healthy day, and taking time to enjoy your day.

Until the next time,


Why do men stop for a drink?

Today, at the bar: Oh my!

Too many men who stopped for a beer, who are not happy.

How does that happen?

Well, let’s take husband number one: “Look: she is going through menopause, and is hot,. then cold. Whatever I say, it just doesn’t make her happy.”

Husband number two: “ We are fine. It’s just that our lives are boring. She wants me to pick up celery or whatever, and that covers our conversation. So, I get the celery, go home, and we have dinner, and then? She is tired. So am I. And tomorrow is another day.”

Husband number 3: “ She leaves me a list, every day, of things to do. Laundry,
folding, lawn mowing, cleaning the kitchen, fixing dinner and believe it or not, an allowance. It’s all about control.”

Number 4: “ What happened to the woman I married? She was crazy about me. A warm, adoring female, who couldn’t get enough of me. Now? The tide has turned.”

Hey guys!

My point of view?

Life is like this: Young people are passionately in love. Hormones running amok.

After about 4 or 5 years, guess what?

Time to settle down, enjoy one another, but not the same way.

We change as we age.

So what?

Children become our focus.

We mature.

And we become our mothers and fathers.

And so it is with the world.

Oh, yeah, there are those who believe they can capture the passionate lust of yesterday.

Mid life crisis.

And then?

That too, will subside.

Some stop for a drink with friends, to commiserate, before going home, to a wife and family that you love and cherish, in spite of your wild inhibitions.

Most would never stray.

They just like to have someone listen to how they feel.

And wake up the next day, and do it all again.


One more, please

If there is anyone who needs a rest, after 7 days of debauchery, please stand up.

I am standing.

Is there such a thing as too much fun?

In these days of the pandemic, I am finding it more difficult not to party, than to give in and meet the girls for a few quickies.

Today, however, “we” are taking a break.

(Later, from an undisclosed location)

So much for that.

What a lovely day, seeing NY Jen again, and Little Jen, along with a surprise visit from the lovely Sue and the goofball Sam.

Even Marco took a break and chatted while I finished my last beverage.

As I walked out, there was Dustin. Oh my heart!

He is the cutest guy in the western hemisphere.

However, since I was slightly tipsy and he did not seem to be much better, we decided to meet at another time.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is now game day. Ms Sissy Belle can’t handle a Monday game day, as she has to go to work on Tuesdays.

Now I lay me down to sleep. No more beer for me to keep. Stupid, right? Poets do not exist among us “commoners”. We just resolve to live each day to the max.

My philosophy? The purpose of life is to enjoy it.

We are born to die. Until then, why not live?

If you need a friend, remember, I have never met a stranger.

Be safe, stay healthy and choose to enjoy your life.


The trio

Once upon a time there were 3 girls. Now they are older “girls.”

One traveled the world as she grew up: An Army brat.

Another traveled the world because she wanted to.

And the 3rd traveled the world for her career.

Somehow, somewhere, at some undisclosed gin mill, these 3 met.

They have established a routine of eating and partying that is getting out of hand.

When they are together, it’s been said, “It sounds like 12 people talking and laughing.” Loud mouths. Obnoxious, at times. And very outgoing.

3 extroverts hooting it up on a regular basis. They can get together more frequently since the first one works part time, mornings only. The 2nd girl is unemployed, and the 3rd one? Retired.

Girl number 1 has beautiful hair, wears bright red lipstick, which lasts for days, is affectionate with everyone and takes an hour to tell a story. And she is a remarkable cook.

Girl number 2 is hotsy totsy, loves to hang out in her pool, has a wild animal for a pet, and she thrives on being bossy, especially, to girl number 3.

The 3rd person is a loose cannon, a silly goose and has an annoying laugh that can be heard for miles. She loses stuff, like roasts, sunglasses and onions, and claims she has killed 2 husbands. She is not a stable individual.

Today, for the 3rd time in a week, these 3 are meeting for lunch. All are hungover and parched.

If you run into this hapless trio, do what Tom Petty says: buy them a drink, sing them a song, take them as they come, cuz they can’t stay long.



Life: a mysterious, wonderful journey

Growing older?
Aren’t we all?
How are you aging?
Accepting it? Cursing it? Giving up? Trying to do the things you used to do when you were younger?
It seems that just yesterday, I was a young girl, working for Ma Bell, going to school. Next? I skip to my career and marriage. So many transfers across the country, leaving the Minnesota nest, meeting new people at each location, moving onward and upward. When my husband died, at age 40, and another transfer was offered, it was off to the east coast, to work at headquarters.

Not knowing anyone in New Jersey, it was certainly a challenge fitting in. Well, ok, maybe for a week or two. By then, I had bonded with my coworkers and we hung out together on the weekends. Out of the blue, on a fateful Saturday in Califon, NJ, I met Jim. What a character. We were married about 8 months later. It was destined not to last, or so it was rumored. It only lasted 30 years. Then it was Jim’s turn to drink from the silver cup and ride that highway in the sky.

I continued to work for a few more years. I always loved my job. On a stormy November day, I decided to retire. And now? I think about my past like Bob Dylan’s song:” I was so much older then… I’m younger than that now.”

Have I aged gracefully? Heck no. Does my age keep me from enjoying my life? Absolutely not. I still think I am a kid. And I am, at heart. Being alone, I can do what I want, when I want to do it. The virus tried to tie me down but it backfired. I became more reflective and appreciative of the blessings I have in my life.

My wish for you today? Stay healthy. Be safe. And choose to be happy, no matter what your age.