Freaked out

Out for a stroll.

Ok, out to have lunch.

Time to beat the rainy day blues.

Such a dreary day.

The fabulous Pam and Precious greeted me, as I chowed down on a tuna sandwich and a beer.

What the heck is going on outside?

A colossal traffic jam.

The boys in the hood stopped by to chat, and I knew that I had stayed a little bit too long.

Damn daylight savings.

How am I going to drive in the rain, in the dark, with a zillion head lights blinding me?

I headed east, instead of west.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.


Guess who got lost?

The road seemed somewhat familiar.

Oh no!

Where am I?

Blind as a bat, I am on the road to K town.

The drive home is usually about 10 minutes.

Not tonight.

I live in warehouse city, and the trucks were on the back roads, since the interstate was closed, in both directions.

What a nightmare.

It is a miracle that I made it home.

An hour later.

Remember that song: Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

I never did like that song.

Remind me never to go out past 4pm.

I wish I knew how to put on my fog headlights.

Oh well, I have only had this car for 3 years.

With my learning curve, I would need at least another year or two before I can figure out these new fangled features.

However, with my unbelievable courage and fortitude, I made it through the rain.

Aren’t you proud of me?



To be or not to be….wearing masks

Remembering back to 1967, the Canadian Centennial, when The Ottawa 67’s, a major junior ice hockey team base, were established. No, I wasn’t there, but I was close; living almost next door in Northern Minnesota, eh? I can’t say “eh” without it sounding like a question.

On this 67th day of semi self imposed isolation, with a song in my heart, I actually have a reason to get out of the house. Car appointment. Cars are still able to schedule appointments. People? Not so much. But, get this: people are now allowed to order mixed drinks in doggy bags from closed bars. As many as you like, just don’t drink it in the bar and don’t hang around talking to people. What’s with that, eh? Great timing, opening up the take out business on Memorial Day weekend.

Is truth stranger than fiction? The craziness and horror of the past few months have me wondering what is really real, as theories on the epidemic are running rampant, many hidden behind smoke and mirrors. For example, do masks really help? First it was no, then yes, then sometimes, then not so much outside, and now? Yes and no, depending on who you and what you are doing. Going to the grocery store? Yes. How about going to the farmer’s market? Maybe. And in your car? Well, I see people driving, alone in cars, wearing a mask. I guess they have infected cars. However, now that takeout drinks are legal, masked drivers may be a thing of the past.

Next subject: immunity. Who has it? Is it someone who has been infected and survived? Or injected with the plasma of a survivor? Do those who have been exposed to the virus build up an immunity? Are those who are staying home more vulnerable when they finally do emerge into the war zone? Do some people have a stronger immune system than others, and can fight off the infection? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind: Another good reason to wear the mask, especially on windy days.

On this Friday, May 22, 2020, uncertainty reigns supreme. In the midst of troubled waters, cherish those things that make life worth living: Your family and friends, your health, and your appreciation for having another day to live; They are gifts in the dark days of our wounded planet.


Rabbits and recalls

“Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty-four”

Have to love those Beatles. So much creativity in a short time.

Not that 64 days is anything to sneeze about: And if you are sneezing, grab a mask and stay away from creatures, living and otherwise. If you don’t, your forehead will be branded with the letter A. Hold on, that was the Scarlet Letter, published in 1850. Hell, today, Hester would be just another Teen Mom. Times have changed, for the better. Or have they?

It is day 64 of the shuttered lives of millions around the globe. In my tiny bubble, I encountered a “lock down” and a rabbit patch, starting with the Car Dealership. “We are under a lock down. You can’t come inside. Put your keys in the envelope, write a note about what you need serviced, and slip it into the mail slot. We will know you are out there and will quickly get the work done so you can be on your merry way.” Yeah? Well, what I really need is 2 software changes. The car needs to quit telling me I need an oil change, which I don’t, and I resent those letters you send, scaring me to death by telling me the damn car is on recall and could blow up. And when can I bring it in? Oh, not til Friday. OK. So I guess these urgent issues are not so urgent?

Knowing that I had no major deadlines yesterday, it was time to head over to Sissy’s. She was as hung over as I was, so we sat outside, had a few beers, and I went home to take a nap. Before I went inside, I saw my rabbit hat, with the moving ears laying on the passenger seat. It’s getting too warm for this baby; time to put the rabbit back in his patch. WTH? Guess what fell out of the hat? Yes! My cell phone. How in the heck did it get in that hat? Beats me, but I now call my rabbit hat The Mad Hatter. The nerve of that hatter, trying to eat my phone.

May 19, 2020, the first day of the rest of your life: Make it a happy one!


Do you remember where you were?

Where were you when the siege of Vicksburg, MS started on this day, May 18, in the year 1863? Frankly, I can’t remember what the heck I did that day, nor can I recall what I did the last 63 days, during the siege of the world.

I do have a faint memory of what happened yesterday. I need an oil change. The little “I” lit up in the car as I was driving to Dunkin for my usual gourmet breakfast. Checked the mail box, and read a letter from the car dealership. Your car has been recalled. Bring it in now. “I can’t. It’s Sunday and you aren’t open”, I said, out loud, to the letter.

Not enjoying the stress accompanying this car, it was time to take action. Good thing I still have a land line phone. “Hello? Take out? Yes, it’s me again. 2 dozen wings and a 12 pack of beer please.” I waited for it, in the car with the “I” blazing in front of my eyes. I thought about calling the car dealership to leave a message. “Oh no, that’s right. I lost my cell phone.”

I drove to the scene of the crime, where my cell phone had disappeared 2 days ago. “No, we haven’t seen it.”. OK, so let’s have a few beers and snacks and forget about life for awhile. We did. It was a blast.

Now I am faced once again, with reality: The recall, the oil and the lost phone, not to mention, a slight hangover from the festive activities last evening.

Reminds me of the Life of Riley: “What a revolting development this is.”

Time to move along, ramble on and get down, honky cats.

Be safe.

Stay healthy

And check the oil in your car.
