“So, how was the party, Wolf?”


“Uhm, I missed the bus and almost didn’t make it.”


“What happened?”


“I was at the bus terminal, outside, reading a book.  My bus was scheduled to leave at 5pm.  A bus showed up, but it was a bus to Philadelphia.  I sure as hell didn’t want to go to Philly, so I watched the people board, kept reading my book, and waited. And waited.”


“You mean your bus never showed up?”


“Yeah, it showed up.  It was the bus to Philadelphia.  How did I know it was the bus that stopped at the casino?”


“So you waited for the next bus?”


“No, Minnie.  That was the last bus.”


“How did you get there?”


“I took the bus to New York  City.”


“What the hell?  The party was in Pennsylvania, at the casino, and you went to New York?”


“Fortunately, for me, I had been talking to a young kid, who had creases in his shirt and pants, and he told me he went to school as a kid, in Jamaica,  with no shoes, but his pants and shirts had to have creases. I guess he carried that over to his adult life.”


“What’s he got to do with a bus to New York?”


“Hold your horses.  Then another kid showed up and he told me he was the replacement driver, to New York, in case the first bus was full.”


‘I don’t get it.”


“He saw me trying to figure out the bus schedule and he told me the sad news:  You missed the last bus.”


“So, you didn’t go to the party?”


“No, then the Jamaican kid showed up and he was the driver of the NYC bus, and the two of them put their heads together and told me to board the NY bus, and not to get off the bus at the Hellertown bus stop, but to stay on, until he stopped the bus at the gas station up the street and I could go there and get a cab to the casino, since it was only 5 miles away.”


“Oh brother.”


“Well, I got off the bus at the gas station, and went inside, and called the 3 cab companies in the area, and all them told me the same thing:  “No cab for at least 2 hours.”


“So you were stuck at the gas station?”


“No, I called MCat, at her party and told her I was in Hellertown, at the Turkey Hill, and could not get to the party for 2 hours or more, and I would miss the dinner party.”


“Oh for nuts.”


“Yup.  Then the phone rang at the Turkey Hill, and it was MCat. Snow and George were on their way to the party and would pick me up.”


“Well, that was a lucky break.”


“It certainly was.  So I got to the dinner party, ate, and immediately hightailed it to the casino.  From that point on, I can only say, I had a wonderful time, and didn’t get to the room until 4am.”


“Did the whole party stay up til 4am?”


“Hell, no.  Only MCat and I.  The 2 old goats. We outlasted all the youngsters, and giggled all the way to our room, which, by the way, was quite a journey.  Neither of us could remember how to get back to the hotel.”

“Did you miss the bus back home?”


“George and Snow took me home.  They said they didn’t trust me riding the bus.  I might end up in Ohio.”


“Have you considered you might be getting too old to travel by yourself?  It’s a tough world out there.  And what are you doing talking to all those people you meet at the bus depot?”


“Hey, if I hadn’t, I would still be waiting for the next bus.”




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