Bring it on!

It’s that time again.

New Year’s resolutions.

The usual?

Lose weight.

Eat healthy.


Same old stuff every year.

Not for me.

My top 3 for 2021:

  1.  Quit talking to every stranger I meet.
  2.  Knock off the “queen” persona.
  3.   Answer my phone once in awhile.

Guess what?

I lie.

Instead, I resolve to enjoy every day, being myself.

We are all different, and yet all the same.

Happy New Year!

Be safe, stay healthy, and may the new year bring you much happiness.


The symbolic ball

At 1159PM, I suddenly awoke.
The ball.
Yes, I saw the ball drop, on TV.
Something I have not experienced in at least 10 years.
A million people gathered in Times Square (and I) saw it drop.
Ok, so now what?
I went back to sleep.
The Times Square folks?
Probably still in Times Square, trying to get the heck out.
People ask me what I like about New York.
It’s exciting, alive and diversified.
“But”, they say, “It’s so crowded, and I hate crowds.”
Those are the people who won’t or don’t go to NY, and miss out on why it is crowded.
Fabulous food, shopping, sights, architecture, museums, broadway. ‘
However, Times Square, on New Year’s Eve?
Not for me.
I am not a fan of standing for hours, with strangers, in the winter time, waiting for the symbolic ball drop to signal the start of the New Year.
I have evolved from a young, energetic, adventure seeking kid, to a comfort loving creature, who prefers to watch the excitement from my cozy, warm bed.
Oh how the years pass us by and change us forever, leaving us with memories of our short time on this earth.
On this day, January 1, 2020, may you all dare to dream, to live to fulfill those dreams and to have happy and cherished memories of your journey.

Happy New Year to all!


Wolf Barley Corn

Oh no!

Not another year of blogging!

What in the world keeps this woman writing?

Is it satan?  aka, the devil?

Or is it the fruit of the vine?

How about hops and barley?

Whatever it is, the 2nd day of the year 2019 is like all the rest.

The Wolf is at your door.

Read it if you are one of those who has no life.

In retrospect, today started out blandly:  dunkin coffee and a donut with chocolate icing.

When hunger hit, it was French Onion Soup and Perogies.

It was then that an old friend suddenly appeared and the two chugged several beers before heading out for home.

We shared memories and laughs, before we started singing to the music in the background.

How do I know when I have had enough?

It’s the singing.

The more I drink, the more I sing.

Before getting arrested and sent to Sing Sing, it was time to say “Happy New Year” and “Auld Lang Syne.”

An unexpected hilarious afternoon.

So much for turning over a new leaf.

A leopard cannot change his/her spots.



2019: Does it hold the key to these questions?

The new year is here.

And this year, I am going to finally find the answer to these 10 questions.

  1.  What exactly is a Mummer?
  2. Why do men wear ties?
  3. Do you have to be a masochist to be a dental hygienist?
  4. Which one is smarter:  A dog or a cat?
  5. Collecting Social Security:  How come it is taxed…… again?
  6. Boxers or briefs?
  7. What’s to like about an artichoke?
  8. Why do we continue to have daylight savings time?
  9. Is it true that it takes an interviewer or stranger only takes 6 seconds to form an opinion of you?
  10. What is the origin of the word cocktail?

Yes, I know this is a daunting task, for the new year.

But I am on a mission.

However, don’t hold your breath.

By the way, what does that mean?  Don’t hold your breath.





Something in the air

2018: What a tumultuous year.

An uneasy feeling prevailed as we watched our leaders taking the path of least resistance.

Was it all about money?

For some, yes.

For many?

Not so much.

The USA, always a staunch leader in human rights, turning against our allies, and becoming an isolated nation.

Immigrants no longer welcome.

A “wall” shutting down our government.

The far right destroying the very foundation of our democracy.

Who is running this country?

Fox news?

Or the spineless members of the senate, who refuse to fight for what is right?

When will the people of this country decide when enough is enough?

In a very short time, our values have been compromised, and we are the laughing stock of the world.

A new year is dawning.

We must unite.

Our future and the future of our children are at stake.

There’s something in the air.

“We’ve got to get together sooner or later, because the revolution’s here.”

We have a fight ahead in the new year.

Together, we can preserve our freedom!

Here’s to success in 2019!


Rumchata and cherries, oh my!

Sometimes when you have nothing special planned, special things happen.

On one of the coldest New Year’s Eve days in recent history, it was time to head out for a margarita pizza: Tomatoes, Basil, Cheese, Oil and Garlic.

It was heavenly.

No one except the old Chicken Butt in the place, waiting for the Eagles game at 1pm.

Then Carl walks in and since we were the only 2 idiots in the joint, we started chatting, drinking beer and watching the game.

“Hey Carl, let’s do shots.”

Chocolate covered cherries, rum chatas…. whatever !

Forget the cold.

All of a sudden, it was getting mighty toasty.

“Can someone turn on the AC please?”

For a few hours, the frigid weather melted away, as we laughed and carried on about nothing in particular.

A perfect way to spend a frosty afternoon.

Home now, and getting ready to bundle up in my new fabulous robe.

Will I see the ball drop?

Not a chance.

Besides, I have seen plenty of balls dropping in my lifetime.


Happy New Year, everyone.

2017 had its highs and lows, just like any year.

Regardless of the issues, I tried to enjoy every day.

After all, life is not always a chocolate covered cherry.

Or is it?



A warm feeling on a cold night

Ooooo la la.

Frigid temps.

Warm friends.

Smoked sausages with OJ and vodka.

I think the Chicken Butt is on the road to recovery.

Sometimes it takes an hour or so with Christine, to set my ass straight.

Hunker down.

It’s a 3 dog night.

Counting down…. as the days whiz by.

4 to go.

I wonder, sometimes, if we all wait too long to retire.

Like the Rolling Stones song:  Am I rough enough? Am I tough enough?  Am I rich enough?

Yes, yes, and no.

Life cannot be measured  by material riches.

When it is your final hour, what is it that makes your life meaningful?

I don’t have all the answers, but I hope, when it is my time, I will be able to say:

“I came into this life with nothing.  I worked hard for years, to take care of my loved ones.  And now, as I move into another sphere, I have only my legacy left, to last for eternity.”

And that legacy?

To believe, to love, to give and to enjoy.

Happy New Year, kids.





Not a creature was stirring, not even a chicken butt

A brand new day, a brand new year, a brand new me?


I am the same old girl I was yesterday and last year.

Didn’t even get dressed.

Just hung out with the cats and ate treats.

All bad stuff.

Nothing healthy.

Then plopped, or I should say, flopped down on the couch and watched the Eagles and the Cowboys.

Too bad the cats found me.

One on my chest, one on my legs.

They were so warm and cozy that I fell asleep, and missed the last quarter of the game.

So much for any New Year resolutions.

Good thing I didn’t make any.

I hope the beer stores are open tomorrow.

I have a feeling I will be parched by then.

No, I didn’t see the ball drop.

No, I didn’t open a bottle of wine, to toast to the New Year.

No, I did not go out to a party and dance the night away.

It was the night before New Year and all through the house, not a creature was stirring,

not even a chicken butt.

The cats were all sound asleep in my bed, while visions of temptations danced through their heads.

I jumped into bed, turned on the TV, fell asleep while watching my fav channel:  ID.

I had a wonderful time, I might add.

I like being a ridiculous bum once in a while.

I think I might try it again tomorrow.

Happy New Year!!



Moving forward to a new year.

2016;  It was a year of waiting and hoping and accepting the inevitable.

I stayed close to home, but always made sure I had some time for me.

A vow, made 30 years ago, was kept until the end.

When it was over, the silence was deafening.

It is taking time to fully accept my new life.

The cats are driving me wild, with their demands, but they are wonderful companions.

I have time now, to reflect on the past, to enjoy all the memories, and to take control of my future, whatever that may bring.

On this last day of 2016, I am thankful for my friends, co workers, and family who are watching over me.

If you are reading this, you too, have been blessed with another day on this planet.

Make the most of it, as we say goodbye on this New Year’s Eve, to 2016, welcoming in a new year to live, love, laugh and to enjoy one another, for as long as we are here.






Let’s kick some serious ass in the new year

Strange vibes in the workplace over the holidays.

Americans are kicking back and enjoying their families.

It is a softer, gentler, quieter environment these last 2 weeks of the year.

I, for one, enjoy the hectic pace, the multi tasking and the overwhelming pressures that accompany my job and just about any other job in this year, 2016.

So, this week was a little slow for me.

Give me the fireworks, the demands and the highs of doing the impossible.

Down times drive me crazy.

I believe I am addicted to the sensationalism of the instant messages that pass through our emails all day long.

Even sugar doesn’t compare nor compete with the highs I get throughout an average working day.


It gets a bad rap.

It can be good, especially when it inspires excellence.


Enough said.

One more working day in 2016.

I should say:  1/2 of one day.  I have a half day off tomorrow.

2016:  A year of ups and downs, highs and lows, but mostly of fond memories, thanks to friends and family who guided me through it.

It was the end of a 30 year marriage:  a partnership that, like this past year, had its peaks and valleys, but endured until the end.

Like it or not, time goes on.

Am I ready for the new year?

I think I am.

I hope you are.

Happy New Year, friends!

Let’s give it hell!

